Yessir, for the low low price of $150/year ($1,000 for lifetime membership), you’ll have access to a list of double ga-ron-teed matching blood donors who aren’t vaccinated against Covid-19, so you can feel safe and secure if you need transfusions.*
And even if you don’t go for membership, you can get access to their Emergency list for only $1,750! What a fabulous grift.
It’s not entirely clear to me how you’d actually get the blood from your designated Pureblood(s)™, possibly via one of their advertised Medical Partners (surely their transfer and administration process follows the most scrupulous testing and matching protocols available ).
Anyway, it’s an opportunity not to be missed! Don’t forget to cross-reference the Pureblood list of names against likely Aryan backgrounds, for extra protection.
*one obvious problem: Even if you trust donors not to have been vaccinated, how would you know whether they’ve been contaminated by “shedding” from vaccinated friends, co-workers and relatives?
**among the PureBlood Registry’s “partners” is an outfit that provides transfusion services, “Located in the medical district in Tijuana, MX”. They also do “Immunotherapy, Alternative and Complementary Cancer Therapies”.
Q: How do I know if someone is actually unvaccinated?
A: Every member is required to fill out the registration form, which includes a legal statement clarifying that intentional harm to others may result in legal liability.
Currently, there is no commercially available test to ascertain an individual’s COVID-19 vaccine status. However, we strongly recommend that our patients engage in a brief phone call with potential donors to assess their honesty and exercise discretion when choosing members to receive donations from.
Sooo, it’s just send us some money and then trust someone else’s word. Man, the rubes are such easy marks - how come no one here thought of something like this - we could make millions! We’d do tremendous!
I don’t suppose these guys are big on “Trust”, so I have to wonder how they determine you aren’t vaccinated. I don’t wonder hard enough to want to wade into their swamp to find out, but I’ll bet 10 quatloos that we’ll be hearing about a scandal at some point.
“Okay, sure, I got one vaccination when I was young and stupid, but I’m “unvaccinated” in spirit!”
Sometimes I think conspiracy theorists got that way because they’re dimly aware at some level that they are wildly gullible, and they’re just trying to get ahead of the scammers by joining a group of other, similarly gullible, people who think they’re being smart.
Sadly, in my experience they all think they’re more intuitive than everyone else. They happily hand-wave away everything that doesn’t fit their narrative. They’re the last people to realize how gullible they are.
Or the first to get a disease and die. Or conversely spread it around to the rest of their unvaccinated loved ones and they die after spreading it to others with low immunity and then those folks carry it like Typhoid Mary to anyone susceptible.
(I’ve successfully freaked myself out. Not fair you unvaccinated fools)
I was mildly tempted to register with the Pureblood™ site as a medical provider (Jackmannii’s Transfusion Shoppe? RedCellsRUs?), and set up shop in the apartment over the garage, clearing out a few dormant fig trees to make room.
Then I realized it’s not a good idea to be around loonies and blood samples with high viral titers without investing in a safety hood and full protective gear, which would eat into my profits and spook the clientele.
You could offer to be the one doing the background checks. You call 'em, and for a small fee, you clear them to be on the site. Takes the laborious problem of making a call out of their hands.
The real money is in spike protein “detox” supplements like what The Wellness Company sells to credulous ninnies.
Currently on X/Twitter, the hot new product is Dr. Pickles Malone’s Detox Supplement Shake for the Ensure crowd. Rids you body of mRNA, neutralizes spike protein and gets rid of pesky lipid nanoparticles. Also relieves turbo dementia, but you have to remember to take it according to label instructions.*
*it’s a gag, but there are Twitterians who are no doubt taking it seriously and clamoring for shipments.
**Dr. Jackmannii’s Pureblood Potion is absolutely guaranteed to flush hydrogel out of your veins, purge aluminum and graphene oxide, prevent your blood from clotting and make you irresistibly attractive to whatever sex you choose to attract.
Believing in CTs because you think you’re one step ahead of the unwashed masses is a known reason for believing in them. From wiki:
conspiracy theories are often presented as special, secret knowledge unknown or unappreciated by others. For conspiracy theorists, the masses are a brainwashed herd, while the conspiracy theorists in the know can congratulate themselves on penetrating the plotters’ deceptions
I have been saying this for years. Every time I hear about a new online or phone scam I think, “I could probably do something like that and start raking in the big bucks, if only I didn’t find it repugnant to take advantage of people too stupid to realize that I’m conning them.”
Years ago I once told my wife that I was going to start a religion just to see how many followers I could get to send me money to support the lifestyle I’d like to become accustomed to.