When I was a kid, I had a lot of favorite seasonal LPs I’d play around Christmas time ( The Chipmunks, Polish carols (!) etc). But a particular favorite song of mine was on a battered old 45 that was called (I think) The Reindeer Song (no, it’s NOT the Gene Autry “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer” song, altho’ it’s possible THAT song was on the flip side of the 45). Anyway, The Reindeer Song was sung from the POV of the reindeer with rather goofy character voices. At the end of the song, the reindeer, overlapping each other in excitement, started wishing eveyone, “And a merry christmas to you, and you…and…and…you…and you… and you…” as the record faded out.
I have been trying to find this recording for nearly thirty years. Anybody have any knowledge or information about it?
I’ve never heard of it. However, you should post the question on the usenet newsgroup rec.music.dementia. The folks there know a lot about obscure novelty songs.
You weren’t kiding, rowrrbazzle. I posted my question on that site and got a response within 15 minutes!! My 30 year quest is over! Thank you!
Well? C’mon, you can’t get our curiosity up and then not tell us.
Frankly, I didn’t think anyone would care!
But here it is:
The Happy Reindeer by Dancer, Prancer, and Nervous (the Singing Reindeer) from Christmas 1959, found on a (purple!)
Capital 45 #4300. The flip side is Dancer’s Waltz. It is available on a CD called CHRISTMAS COMEDY CLASSICS.
I read the newsgroup and saw you get your answer. Congratulations!
It turns out I have that CD! I pulled it out and listened to the song. Originally that song just didn’t make a big impression on me, so I totally forgot about it.
Believe me, there’s no reason it should have made an impression on you. For me, the song is simply a guilty pleasure that brings backs memories of an increasingly remote youth. I just hope I’ll be able to find the damn CD!
Nothing wrong with nostalgia. I know the feeling.
The CD appears to be out of print, but there’s one used copy at amazon.com. If that doesn’t work out, email me.