The Repeal of Obamacare/ACA: Step-bystep, Inch-by-inch

Does that qualify as fake news? The photo doesn’t match the claim.

This is (Dorothea) Lange’s most celebrated and iconic portrait of American family life of the thirties and an image that stays in the mind for a great deal of time, such is its power. The subject is Florence Owens Thompson and the name of the photograph is Migrant Mother.

It appears that some asshole on the internet going by the name Tony Haile wants people to believe that the iPHone was available during the 1930’s.

It’s a joke. You’re not normal, so I wouldn’t expect you to recognize such humor, but I’m happy to assist.

This Twitter exchange appeared in my Facebook feed this morning.


I’ve been to Cooke’s Twitter feed to confirm that this exists, and wasn’t just dummied up by someone else.

The 2017 premiums are actually a pretty good matchfor what the Congressional Budget Office forecast back before the Affordable Care Act passed in 2009.

These increases really matter only for those who buy their own insurance. Most people are unaffected by the rate increases because they get their insurance through an employer or are covered through government programs like Medicare, Medicaid or the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Only a small fraction of Americans who have insurance buy individual policies. There are about 10 million people in the Obamacare markets and around an additional seven million who buy health plans outside the marketplace, according to Obama administration estimates. The published rate increases apply only to people who shop in the markets, but premiums are expected to go up sharply for the other plans as well.

If you get a subsidy, and you’re willing to switch plans, you won’t have to pay these big increases. More than 80 percent of Obamacare customers get subsidies that help them pay the cost of their premiums. Those people do not pay the full cost of insurance out of their pockets, and they will not feel the full brunt of these increases, as long as there is a less expensive plan available in their market and they are willing to switch.

Completely serious question–are you retarded?

Wow. Just wow.

Excellent post. I’ll just add, contra Saint Cad’s assertion, that “bending the cost curve” was the goal, not reducing rates overall in absolute terms. (As you point out, rates did go down for many, of course - not to mention the other benefits of the ACA.)

The reason it was excellent (which I should have made more clear) was that it was a quote from NY Times.

Well, you have excellent taste, then! ;). I wondered about the formatting… “why’s EE indenting his comment?”

I found one. An apparently honest opinion of a conservative who really seems to like the bill. Amazing.

Trump’s Obamacare replacement has these six improvements

Does the new GOP plan remove the death panels? I haven’t seen any reporting on that front.

That was an opinion, not an analysis.

Nope, the dummy responsible can be definitively identified as @MAcatholicmom. :smiley:

I sent her the following:

My guess is she had to Google “National Review”.

Pssst, doorhinge a little hint. There is something called satire. You may have heard of it. Also pro-tip: Johnathan swift didn’t actually think cannibalism is a good idea.

From Salon:

Don’t be too hard on him. He thinks the word “irony” is what you use to describe how an iron looks.

So we were not promised by Obama himself that we would have our premiums cut by $2500 per year?

Again, Dems moving the goalposts.

House Republican leaders made clear they would attempt to move the plan rapidly through the House and send it to the Senate for passage, without hearings or expert testimony in either chamber.

Gee, I wonder what they’re afraid of.

If we’re comparing campaign promises to what actually becomes law as moving goalposts…
Nah, that’s too easy.