The Repeal of Obamacare/ACA: Step-bystep, Inch-by-inch

About 15, 20+ years ago I was talking to somebody on AOL who went through a tornado and they remarked “they said it sounded like a train, but I didn’t hear a single ‘choo-choo’.” (Later, I heard other people say this on those disaster porn shows so it’s apparently a thing).

Congratulations on beating the choo-choo tornado guy for the dumbest thing ever said to me on the internet. Please, take your response and frame it, displaying it proudly on your wall for you may never attain such heights again.

Or… at least for the rest of this week.

Yeah, but he had a Republican congress.

Pardon my lack of specifics (lunch break) but wasn’t the reason Obamacare didn’t live up to its ‘promises’ all come down to the fact that the Republicans refused to allow the government to offer a sort of ‘loss’ insurance for the companies? Like to cover their butts for the first couple of years so they wouldn’t be worried about losing profit and thus raising premiums in an attempt to avoid that?

I think ‘death panel’ could be the GOP codename for the bill…

There, there. It’s going to be OK. Tony Haile duped you into thinking that you had discovered an iconic photo of a wanna-be iPhone user, and you couldn’t wait to share your discovery with others. That’s so cute. Better luck next time.

So sayeth this Board’s choo-choo tornado guy. :slight_smile:

But, really… huh?

The AMA?


But then, this was the whole point.

Its amazing to see elected officials tripping over each-others dicks in a rush to do so.

I know 4 or 5 Trumps supporters who ironically liked Obamacare. They are gonna be soooo pissed.

It’s a very recognizable photo (hence iconic). Many people understood the poignant juxtaposition of the similarities between a poor 1930’s mother and a 2017 mother. The woman in the photo had sold her tires to pay for food. A modern mother who lives in poverty will have to decide what to sell to pay for health insurance.

It’s even more ironic since Lange’s photos at the time helped usher in social changes to help the poor get out of their situation and not fall back. Yet here we are nearly 100 years later with similar struggles. Except now people are fighting to ensure she stays poor and falls further into poverty.

Yes, but its recognition factor is due, in considerable measure, to its historical significance, and dumbfucks like doorhinge have no interest in learning from history.

It was Republicans who started calling it Obamacare to paint it with the eevuhl brush. Democrats called it ACA till the term Obamacare became the default term.

While Obama care may help the poor it discriminates against the middle class. I’ve had to pay over $800 in fines over the last several years just because I couldn’t afford heath plan rates.

That HAS to be it…not because you’re a drooling cretin, nope, no way, no how. Kindly unplug your keyboard and save the rest of us from your stupidity.

(post shortened)

The Democrats ushered in ACA/Obamacare without bipartisan support, and little public understanding of what it contained. How many thousands of pages are there? Pinocchio Pelosi summed up the whole Democrat effort by say they had to pass it so we could see what’s in it.

Your claim that people are fighting to ensure a 30’s depression-era mother stays poor is absurd, and a bit premature. Unless you have seen the final version of a bill that hasn’t been written yet.

In 2017, the House and Senate will debate, and amend, the bill(s) in their respective committees, and on the floors of both houses, and then combine their versions into one bill which will be presented to the President for his signature. The elected Democrats are free to participate in the process. Or they can continue to whine while standing on the sidelines. Their choice. No, wait, it was the voters choice that the Democrat Party lose control of both houses of Congress.

Any final version of the bill won’t be ready for months.

Hahahaha. Coming from the guy who was so stupid he could only cut and paste someone else’s propaganda, I’m not surprised you’d stoop to ridiculing someone who was trying to describe what it was like to be in a tornado. Haters gotta hate. That’s what people like you do.

Sure your proper username shouldn’t be “Unhinge”?

I think you missed “up to,” “as much as,” and the like when summarizing Ibana’s “promises” in that Supercut video.

Somewhat slippery language? Sure.

But I don’t think the GOP is in any shape to impugn Obama’s forthrightness on health care reform.