The Romney Tapes - thoughts as to how they'll affect the election?

It’s sad to think of Mitt, Ann and the five little Mitts sitting around the ironing board with their cans of tuna fish.

For you and Marley23 and Pashnish Ewing, here’s the actual Obama quote:

That’s called compassion, that’s called understanding, that’s called realizing what it must be like to be in the other guy’s shoes.

I get so fucking tired of seeing a snippet taken out of context, to make it sound like he’s dissing them, when he’s doing exactly the opposite.

Meanwhile, Romney’s crapping all over one-half of the country:

Yeah, just the same.

This reminds me of the “bitter clingers” comment. Same exact situation. And we all see how it destroyed the candidate in question. Wonder what ever happened to that guy?

And that statement was compassionate? Only in the most condescending way possible. “Aw, those poor stupid hicks. I care so much about those morons.”

I think this could be big. It is the top story on now.

It’s not just the words Mittens used. If you listen to the tone of his voice in the clip, it sounds like he really dislikes 47% of the country. If campaign ads use this clip, it could be damaging. Would you vote for someone who dislikes you?

Of course it’s the top story at the Times. They want to beat Romney.

It came off about as well for Obama as this does for Romney. While I don’t think what Obama said was meanspirited or completely inaccurate, it’s tactless and it was quite condescending. So that did him no favors. The online conservative response to Romney’s comments should tell you that, inaccurate as the statements were, it’s what a chunk of his supporters want to hear - which is why he said it to donors. So in that sense, this probably doesn’t change the race that much but it also helps reminds everybody why Romney is seen as out of touch and doesn’t care that much about their problems.

Does that mean the failure to even mention the story on the Fox homepage means they want Romney to win?

I think the damage will be considerably magnified if people start breaking down the “47%” into its constituent parts. Its almost entirely made up of a) the working poor (60%) and b) retirees (23%).

Romney calling some vague mass of people mooches is one thing, calling the elderly and the bottom third of workers mooches is the kind of thing pro-Obama campaign ad writers don’t even dare to dream of.

He just held a press conference, apparently, standing by the comments. What else could he do, I guess.

LOL. while looking into it apparently the video has had snippets online for a few months. Then Jimmy Carter’s grandson was searching online for things to make republicans look bad, found a snippet and passed it to David Corn of mother jones who got in contact with the guy who made the video, which is why the story just exploded today.

That is awesome. If Jimmy Carter’s grandson helped destroy Romney that would be poetic what with all the ‘worse than Carter’ anti-Obama insults going around.

That still doesn’t answer who made the video though. But the shots seem to be shot from the bartender’s perspective so I assume one of the caterers did it.

Well, except that when he took over Bain, they structured it so that he had no risk at all.

So, other than that, he risked it all.

Wow, really? I felt certain he’d walk them back, or at least qualify them into oblivion. The Obama campaign is going to spend the next week going nuts quoting Romney saying the elderly and bottom third of workers are dependent on handouts.

We cook your meals. We haul your trash. We connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Do not fuck with us.”

-Tyler Durden

I all can say is WOW! Just wow! This is what I just posted on my Facebook page:

So reports TPM.

Given the news coverage, there wouldn’t be any need for the Obama campaign to harp on it. The really devastating stuff doesn’t even require comment from the other side. If the other side feels the need to make it a story, that means it’s not a big problem in and of itself. With the right messaging of course it can be made into a problem. But I don’t think the Obama team is all that talented. They tend to just pounce on everything and hope something carries them over the finish line.

So, to be clear, you think it is not independently newsworthy that Mitt Romney thinks 47% of the country is in the bag for Obama because of their dependency on government?

‘I would have preferred you didn’t find out this is how Republican donors feel about you even though a lot of us have been saying so for years.’ He modified the comments to an extent but he can’t entirely take them back. It’s the same as the Libya deal: what he said looks terrible but he feels he can’t be seen apologizing because that would hurt him more with his base.

If he’d had a better political team, he could’ve been Super-President by now.

The point is not just that 47% will vote for him. The reprehensible thing about what Romney said is his belief that those same 47% are lazy do-nothings who depend upon government handouts to survive.

Hmmm…given the state of the economy the President shouldn’t be on the upside of the polling and yet, there he is. Yeah, I think the Obama team has been doing particularly well this election cycle.