The room was spinning....

Vertigo, I bet. After you go to a MD and get your official diagnosis, ask for the OTC version of anti-vert (called meclizine, IIRC). It is much cheaper than getting the script filled.

Shirley, were your vertigo and your hearing loss related? It sounded like they were, but I wanted to check.

[sub]Do I need to type louder? Only for you would I make such a bad joke. [/sub]

They have OTC vertigo medicine? I must definitely check this out. Mine is usually not long-lasting, but it is so damned unpleasant when it happens.

My mother tells me (nurse, BTW), that it’s caused by having low blood sugar.

WHAT!???!! (Insert a smilie with an ear trumpet here.)

Yes, my vertigo was accompanied by ear blockage ( not wax or anything. My inner ear decide to go union on me. ) the ear blockage happened a couple hours earlier and WHAM…there went my balance. Good.Times. (nonstop barfing…loosing control of one’s bowels. Ruining a hospital toilet. A kodak moment.) and when the ear-blockage-vertigo are mixed together, according to the UberEar Specialist, the hearing does not come back. The bonus is I now have tinnitus. w00t! I am one of about 3-4 thousand people in the US who suffer from Sudden Unexplained Hearing Loss Syndrome. Go Me! A medical farking conundrum!

As long as it isn’t a precursor to something nasty and lingeringWhich it is not., I’m happy.

Or if it is hot and humid there, I would vote for dehydration and low blood pressure from dehydration. Check your urine. If your bowl is yellow, you should drink more.

I have had this problem and had ear problems, but I couldn’t walk straight or see straight either and constantly has to touch something to remind me which way was up. It didn’t go away by itself.