The Scotticher Appreciation Thread

That’s it exactly :slight_smile:

And ScottiHugs are the best things on Earth! (Snapple should put them in their drinks).

As a ranking member of the Scotticher Fan Club, I just wanted to jump in here and agree completely with poohpah chalupa.

I also want to add that if she wasn’t soooo beautiful, both inside and out, that she has the choice of every guy that has been in contact with her, she might say yes when I ask her to marry me… again… for the zillionth time.
[sub][sup]Ok, a guy can dream can’t he?[/sup][/sub]

Love ya, Cheri

I can’t wait to one day get a real life Scotti hug. Scotti is a truly nice person and I’m so glad to have gotten to know her. What more can I say that hasn’t already been said?

I hope we meet in RL one day soon. :slight_smile:

I prefer to think of myself as Scotti with a penis, but that’s just me.

Forgive me, Cheri! I can’t help myself! He just dropped it in my lap!

I know you don’t have breasts, Euty, but how do you know she doesn’t have a …

No, I just can’t bring myself to finish it. That’s the sort of effect that woman has on me.

I haven’t met her in person, but by reading Scotti’s posts, I can just tell that she’s a very sweet person. I’d like to get to know her one day… but for now, here’s another person in your corner!

I don’t know how I missed this thread!

Scotti is one of the kindest, sweetest, most incredible people I’ve ever known. I pledge to actually meet her someday and tell her all this in person–that is, if she can stop hugging my baby long enough! She’s the best auntie a kid ever had.

I love and appreciate her tremendously giving spirit. She is a great human being.

::breaks out the Comet[sup]TM[/sup] and the wire brush again…::

This is just so-o-o-o not right.

Euty dropped his penis in your lap? Ewwww. That’s terrible.

Scotti was one of the first people to welcome me to this board, a distinction I am sure I share with many. She is one of those rare people you can trust to have a good word for you and to be supportive when you need it.

Thanks, Scotti, for making this board a better place.

I have nothing more to contribute that wouldn’t leave me open to divorce but I couldn’t resist bumping this thread to a second page AND I just noticed the “Your Reply” thing on the bottom that is such a convenience and bandwidth saver that I had to use it and waste some bandwidth. :wink:

What a perfectly appropriate thread for me to find here after everything Scotticher did for me this weekend. As it happens, I just took this amazingly kind and thoughtful woman to the airport this morning, after she spent the last 4 days here in L.A. schlepping and working her butt off, helping a desperate and panicked me with all of my wedding plans.

She ran errands all over town while I had to work on Thursday and Friday, made phone calls to set up appointments for us with bridal boutiques, stayed up until the wee hours tying ribbons through my invitations and stuffing and stamping them, went with me to pick out a florist, went with me to all the bridal shops and helped me sift through all the gowns and get in and out of them. I ran this woman ragged – to the post office 3 different times, to 4 different craft stores, 3 bridal boutiques, the florist, the grocery store, the vet’s office – and then some! Not to mention the fact that she also did all of my laundry on the days I was at work, too. ALL of it.

She is utterly incredible. I kept her so busy this weekend that we didn’t even have time to sit and relax (we ate lunch yesterday in the car in between appointments!), so I’m sure she hasn’t even seen this thread yet (and thank you, DAVEW, for starting it – it is so well deserved!).

I can’t begin to express the gratitude and love I have for her. I absolutely could never, ever have done all of this on my own. She is more than a friend, she is a sister to me.

Cheri, I love you. You give so unselfishly, and I will never forget what you did for me this weekend. My wedding will be perfect, in no small part because of your invaluable help and advice. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are the BEST!


Won’t it be neat when she comes to the board after her weekend away and finds a huge, long thread just for her?

I knew she was helping you out, Shayna, so I was a little devious about this. But I think I’ll be forgiven. And Cheri definitely deserves all the hearts and flowers she’s recieved here, and then some.

Let me chime in with a Scotticher is wonderful post. She is kind, funny, warm, beautiful, and gives the best hugs anywhere. She came down and visited me this past February to celebrate our birthdays together and I’m always blown away by her ability to make people comfortable. She had Mr. Grace eating out of her hand and he hates everybody.

I love you, Cheri. You are a dear friend. I’m grateful and blessed to have you in my life.

Scotticher is wonderful. She looked after me in LA, and made me feel safe and happy and I’ll be forever greatful for it. Like everyone’s said, Scottihugs are priceless.

Just getting this back on the first page.


Scotti is awesome. Just awesome.

And all you people that have met her make me sooooo jealous. I wanna meet her too!


One day, I’ll give you a real hug. I swear I will.


I spent 15 hours on plane(s), bus, van and car trying to get home from LA yesterday. I walked into my home at 1:45AM this morning, and had to be up at 5AM to get to work. I am exhausted and punchy and totally unable to comprehend all these wonderful things you all have said about me. Actually, I keep thinking that maybe someone much more worthy of all this praise than I am has been impersonating me.

The truth is, I am stunned speechless. I don’t even know what to say…nothing seems adequate.

Thank you all SO much for saying all these totally undeserved but very much appreciated AWESOME compliments! What a terrific group of friends and loved ones I have…I must be the luckiest lady on the face of the earth.

Since at this point the need to thank you each personally is overwhelming given my lack of sleep, I am just going to thank my darling Dave-Guy for starting this thread, and I hope so much that each and every one of you knows how much you mean to me…each in your own unique way. I am so happy that I have been able to touch your lives in a positive way. You make me want to BE the person you have so generously said I already am.

This is so much less than I want to say, but like I said…I am quite literally stunned speechless…

Thank you from the very bottom of my heart!

Much Love,


Hon, you are so much what everyone here has said and more.

Thank you, for being you!

Much Love,


Isn’t it typical of Cheri that, even though she was exhausted and probably cross-eyed from fatigue, she wrote such a beautiful, touching, heartfelt response?

Scotti, as Jim said, you are all these things and more. Much, much more. And you deserve much more than our meager words of praise, thanks and appreciation.

You are loved, dear lady. And we count ourselves lucky that you return our affection.
