The SDMB, 20 years from now

This place is such a clique. If you don’t have at least 450,000,000 posts and haven’t been here since 2005 you might as well not even bother because everyone will just flame you anyway. I’m out of here.

“I guess one person can make a difference, although most of the time they probably shouldn’t.”

Arnold, I haven’t laughed this hard since Wally tried Cybersex.

Anyway, you forgot this one:

The BBQ Pit
fuck you american sods for nukin my beuatifle lave rokc - bjorn


Voted Poster Most Likely To Post Drunk

"You know how complex women are"

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

Arnold, you are a friggin genius! This is the funniest thing ever, and I am scaring the people walking by my office because I’m laughing so hard! Well done!

ROFL! That was great.

How about

Bricker Challenge # 1986- Bricker

The Ethics of Intergalactic Immigration- Libertarian

Gabba Gabba, We accept you, we accept you, one of us.

Oh Good Lord, Arnold - I haven’t laughed this hard in so long…

Thank you!

By the way, thank you everybody for the kind words. And I am grateful for your input in remedying my omissions. I realize that I didn’t include many of the posters and events that make up our daily SDMB experience, but they say that brevity is the essence of wit, and I didn’t want to fill pages.

Plus, if I had mentioned how in 20 years Coldfire’s love for Canadian bands has grown to encompass the oeuvre of Celine Dion, the stretch of the imagination required might have been too great.

Dammit You People Can All Kiss My A**. I’m sick of the whole lot of you. - Zette
What Happened to Mullinator? 20 years ago he said he’d be right back - Handy
etc etc
Archives of the SDMB from 2020 are in the TM Homepage-OpalCat
What kind of denture adhesive do you use?sunbear
SDMB Global party–plane stops in Vegas, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Israel- ???

Arnold, that was damned funny. I just sent it off to Opalcat to be enshrined.

Arnold, that was a thing of beauty.

Although I think that in 20 years time the whole Evolution vs. Creationism debate will be automated. There will be 2 computers dedicated to posting replies to each other on every message board and newsgroup on the internet. No one will have to lift a finger.

Great Debate -
Ensure vs. Sustacal: which one has the most punch?

Sue from El Paso

Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted.

As might the level of uncensored violence have been, had you posted such a thing!


Voted Poster Most Likely To Post Drunk

"You know how complex women are"

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

Brithael still bites.

Voted Best Sport
And narrowly averted the despised moniker Smiley Master

Forward deployed until 18AUG00

I’m still typing my reply, will post it later -Phaedrus

Im still working on this god-damn system! Looks like another all-nighter!!-techchick68

anyone remember the 1920’s? -Eve

So, does anyone like the new Pamela Anderson-Lee-Coleman-Slater-Simpson-Gooding-Gates movie? - mullinator

You should see the Lake where Holland used to be -Coldfire

well, at least one person wants to meet me…


About This Message Board
“How Do I Post Holograms?” Newbie

“My VirtuCecil is Malfunctioning.” JabJr.

Great Debates
“Should Texas Be Re-Admitted Into the Union?” Jab Clone XXXVIII

“Intelligent Robots-- Machines or Slaves?” Rebel

“Robots Be Allowed to Vote?” RobotSymp

“President Hillary has a Fat Ass” John John III

When all else fails, ask Cecil.

Please. 20 years from now, I forsee a SDMB retirement community in Sarasota. No one will be able to figure out these new goll-darned computers with the lasers and voice activation.

nevermind, I thought of a good one.
No, seriously. IS there a God?

DON PEDRO: Your silence most offends me, and to be merry best becomes you; for, out of question, you were born in a merry hour.

BEATRICE: No, sure, my lord, my mother cried; but then there was a star danced, and under that was I born. -Much Ado About Nothing, Act II, Sc: i



hm. hmmhmm. heh. hehheheh. giggle hahaha. snort BWAHAHAHAHAHA…

All of the above, and no one mentioned HEATHERLEE?

New and Improved

This question was covered extensively by Cecil in a column back in ’04. I’d provide a link, but the search engine is a little wonky today. I’m going to move this thread to Comments on Cecil’s Columns for further discussion.

::flees:: (on his walker)

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A five picosecond response time is too slow! Impatient Bastard


They’re STILL waiting for Jesus over at Left Behind! Athiest Scum

When all else fails, ask Cecil.

Don’t get it.??