The SDMB Chess Game

I don’t know that we have any idea of what’s going on either London_Calling. If we’re playing out of a book, we’re not all on the same page. This is what makes it kind of an interesting game - I have no idea what the others playing white are thinking, and if they have any idea what I’m thinking I don’t understand their interpretation of my plan (such that it is… er was).


Yes, London, I thikn we know that. But of course, you’d have this sort of sniping over a fun game sitting at a table… you’d just be doing it to yourself :smiley:


heh…this is not exactly where I would have expected to be either, but hey, it’s a heck of a ride :smiley:

15 …o-o

  1. e5 (White)

Current position (Black to move):

R n   _   R K _ * 8*
p p _   _ p p p * 7*
  _ p _   _   _*  6
_   _ p _   _ *Q*  5
  _ B _ *n _ B* _  4
_ Q _   p n *B*    3
p p   _ n _ p _  2
R   B   _ R K    1

a b c d e f g h

(Don’t mean to step on your toes, Chronos; just hoping to get more people in here playing :))


LazarusLong42, are you moving the knight to e5? I don’t see any other pieces that can be moved there, so I’ll assume that’s what it is. In that case,

16 …Qh2++

Checkmate :smiley:

Oh, OK, now I see your board and see that you meant d5. I’ll take back my last move, then.

…and much carnage shall ensue…

16 …B x f3

Indeed, I did mean “d5”, not “e5.” Apparently, I’m slightly dyslexic.

Good thing I posted the board… :slight_smile:



In to the valley rode the 500…

Like your style, Mauve Dog :wink:

Thanks, London_Calling :slight_smile:

I’m just trying to present our opponents with options :smiley:

  1. (white) QxB7


17 black: Q-H2 ++


If I followed it correctly.
And I just wanted to add that while I understand a little table banter is appropriate and reasonable in a healthy game of chess, I’m just a little wary of going down that road here given the various ‘domestics’ that have been breaking out in differet threads around the MB. It doesn’t seem to take a whole lot to incite half the cell block.

But maybe I’m just being overly sensitive in which case, HA! :slight_smile:

Umm, I’ll retrace our steps London_Calling, but according to me, white has a knight at f3. Ahhh. Or perhaps not. Smeg. Sorry folks.

Well… damn.

FTR, Ne2xg3 was the only way I saw to stop the checkmate (not only that, but black would’ve lost in the exchange.)

Anyone up for another game? :slight_smile:

(Or, I’m up for a standard one-on-one over at the fathom board noted above).


Yes. bolding is definitely more readable to me.
LazarusLong42, I’ll play you on the board…


Cool. It’s set up there.


Well, that was the only way out. And the exchange would have been even. Black would have lost both bishops, while White would lose both Knights. And there was a very real possibility for Black to capture a Rook while losing a Knight.

At any rate, excellent game, all!
There were definitely some major turning points for both sides throughout the game!

Mauve Dog, you’re right. I must have been looking at something weird.

  1. …Bg4xf3
  2. Ne2xg3 Ne4xg3
  3. Rf1xf3 Ng3-e4 (otherwise, that knight is White’s)

White’s down a pawn, total, but has three majors out vs. black’s two, which makes for a pretty even game at that point.

OK, everyone go to this thread.



after 13. … Bg3 14. Nc3-e2

you posted ‘Who the hell let Black do that???’.

That was me. :stuck_out_tongue:
I was hoping for 14. Qd1-e2 , to meet 14. … Bg4xf3 by 15. g2xf3 , when the queen covers h2. White follows up with 16. e4-e5 and 17. Nc3-e4.
But you can’t make two moves in a row.


you posted 'And glee


Originally posted by glee
Can I play Black now?!

The number of people watching you is directly proportional to the stupidity of your action.

Not nice.

Sorry, no offense intended. My first sentence just meant I thought the game had turned around (from White winning to Black having all the chances).
I added a quote out of ‘The Official Explanations’ by P. Dickson (very amusing book). It could have been ‘If you think you have the solution, the question was poorly phrased’.
Actually, why isn’t it nice?