Is it futile ???
I think it is possible for a person to have an unbiased opinion on some issues.
I think it is is impossible to prove that opinion is unbiased.
Therefore the search is fruitless, as reaching consensus that the opinion is unbiased necessitates an assortment of opinions, which are also subject to accusations of bias.
Of course, this is only my opinion.
Sometimes the hard facts can be known and a biased opinion is exactly what is needed; there’s not much point in us insisting that that “2+2=?” can only be answered subjectively and that we need to find the ‘middle ground’.
I don’t think it’s futile, however I do think unbiased opinions have a limited value. The only unbiased opinions I have are in regard to matters that I simply don’t care about. I have a very unbiased opinion of, say, the comparative benefits of birch vs ash wood veneer since I quite frankly don’t give a damn (my dear).
How unbiased do you mean btw, I mean even in such mundane questions I would have the natural bias of my own personal preference.
I’d tell you, you but I’m sure I’m biased.