The secret identity of loverock is revealed!!!

Nickrz: You’ve all overlooked the obvious… dare I say it?

What? That so many apparently intelligent people are spending so much time being driven nuts by a person who posted a message intended to drive so many intelligent people nuts?

“There will always be somebody who’s never read a book who’ll know twice what you know.” - D.Duchovny

I think it is Carl Berry.

In the first time posting thread Carl wrote

Now he is trying to get everyone to leave the kid alone and also to leave Donny alone as well. Did he switch from thinking it was a fake to thinking this kid(s) are for real?

I don’t think so.


Is NOT me!

Persons. One of them tipped her hand.

More hints, Nickrz - we need more hints! Tipped her hand in this thread or another one?

The truth may be out there, loverocks, but keep it out of my forum. I am no longer amused by the alleged “joke.”


No, it’ not me! But this is great fun! I haven’t witnessed so much collective head-scratching for years! It’s good clean(?) fun. Everyone loves a Mystery! Please don’t trash it!

is no anny joke mellin. i am the lovvvvvvvveeeeerrroooccckkkkkkk? i reed forum in penhowse to

Well, we may not know who Loverock is, but we do know that Melin is really Queen Victoria.

Your pal,


After carefully re-analyzing the lyrics, I come up with this:

I am the eggman; they are the eggmen;
Loverock is all of us; goop goop a joob…

Loverock killed Paul…

::sighing:: “Ain’t it the truth . . . ain’t it the truth!” (The Cowardly Lion)

Teacher of Extraordinary Students

So Highlander, you say she’s been begging you for six more kids?


Did anyone ever think that Loverock might actually be the invention of Cecil or the Straight Dope Staff?

whose cecil???

I’ll overlook that blasphemous remark…


Such a large group of people to share such a small brain cell . . . .


thiss stratedope i smokin iz werkin/ i"m feelin moe kleerhedded althe time; . . . .
keep thoze kardz&leters cummin’ folkes!
an remembur i dee 1 an onliest lllllooooovvvveeeerrrooooccccccckkkkkk!!!

‘it’ has changed, ‘it’ does not sound like a kid anymore.

Ok, if the folks running things know who this offensive little turd is, why won’t they reveal him/her/it, and squash it like the pimple it is?

I should just walk away from this thread, but it’s like a flaming car wreck on the side of the road- you just feel compelled to look. :frowning:


If you’re not part of the solution you’re just scumming up the bottom of the beaker.