The Sheild Season 1 DVD

After getting literally hours of enjoyment out of the 24 Season 1 DVD we decided to buy the Sheild on DVD the other night for some entertainment (it was a tossup between The Sheild and Highlander Season 1, but I have that on VHS so The Sheild won). I must say that this series is hands down the best cop show I have ever seen.

The writing is excellent with all the intrigue and side stories, and who could ask for a better cast. I don’t think I have seen a single person that couldn’t act in the show. After the first episode “Pilot”, the wife and I were staring at the screen slack jawed. Amazing.

Granted, I have only seen four episodes, and none of the special features, but I eagarly await watching more tonight.

Does anyone else have this disc collection or enjoy Season 1 on FX as much as I am? Without giving away spoilers on Season 2, how is it? As good, better?

I thought Season 2 was just as good as Season 1. I’m now left waiting all year to see what happens in Season 3!

I don’t have the DVD, but I did watch every episode of season 1 on F/X. Season 2 was, believe it or not, just as amazing as season 1. I would say as far as continuing baddies and plot lines, it was better than Season 1. Just about every episode had the same sort of wallop at the end that the Pilot episode did, but not simply repeating the exact same plot point, if you catch my drift.

I tell everyone that will listen that The Shield is the best show on TV, hands down.

I’ve started a few “Shield is better than 24” threads here.

We Shield-o-maniacs have to put those 24sters in their place!

Best show on TV, hands down. Season 2 was as good, if not better, than Season 1. There wasn’t a single episode that was even slightly bad. Can’t wait for season 3

here it is

Oh stop rubbing in the pain of Season 2!!!

I watched the whole first season, and LOVED it, bought the DVD, and love the commentaries and all.

Then the unthinkable happened. Due to factors beyond my control, I ended up having to get rid of satellite to continue to make a few bills. Leaving me without FX for the whole run of Season 2. AAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!

Needless to say, I wait with baited breath for the DVD set of Season 2, and I WILL have cable/satellite again before season 3 starts!

One of the BEST cop shows ever put to TV. I have gotten so many people hooked on this show, and I always use the Pilot episode, and just let em watch it. And then at the last 5 min, I watch them to see their reaction. (Those who have seen it know what i’m talking about.) That gets them hooked everytime.

And to think I ALMOST passed it up, thinking it was just gonna be another run of the mill, same old BS cop show. BOY I was glad I didn’t.