The Single People Comfort Zone

heart-broken sigh

At least I have the drunken lesbian marriage orgy to console me. Og smiles upon drunken lesbian marriage orgies.

  • Apparently someone robble-robbled the r. :slight_smile:

Hmm, can’t get wed here either. Never mind, I am sure the SDMB’s very own matchmaker isn’t too fussed about marriage, it is the getting together of the kindred spirits which counts, so if you find someone else to play the jazz paino to serenade us, I am sure we could give it a whirl.
Far be it from me to turn down new experiences.

Good morning! Is everyone all paired up yet or is there someone left for me?


Sorry I took so long. I couldn’t decide between cans or bottles so I got both. There’s also some whiskey and rum out in the car if anyone wants to carry in it here.

[sound of beer can opening] So, what’s this I hear about hot lesbian sex?

Slortar, could you ever forgive me? I gotta get up early, and I have problems with my spelling as it is. I meant no harm by it, it was a simple (horrible) mistake that I shall never make again.

Here, have a sausage sandwich and some nice cold beer. That should cheer you up. And if not, I’m borrowing my friend’s video camera, so you’ll have a nice copy of the lesbian sex for your very own.

We’re NOT gonna do it in PUBLIC, people.

Besides, if there is going to be a tape, we’re charging for it. heh.


Ah, Flamsterette, all those Canadian bands and nothing from the East Coast? Looks like I’m safe bringing my wheelbarrow full of the complete collection of Sloan, Super Friendz, Jale, Flashing Lights, Thrush Hermit, Eric’s Trip, Neuseiland, etc etc etc…

So, um, who’s up for a couple hands of Cutthroat Pinochle?

I know I’m going to be the hit of this party.

starts passing out copies of Playboy and Playgirl.


Good thing I brought my camcorder :smiley: !

Boy, I turn my back on you for a couple of hours to go out looking for a job and what happens? Full fledged orgies break out! :slight_smile:

Let me just quickly find out if my husband-to-be Sunspace is actually a bride-to-be to see if we have to join the lesbians in the hot tub (Did I mention we had a Jacuzzi?) or if we can proceed to the altar in due course.

Thank Og Convict is back with the beer, I guess…

Oh, shucks. Satan just ate the post I tried to do. Let’s do it again (Sam), shall we?
Is it Lesbian Sex Time? Well, you kids have fun! Me, I’m going to stay here at the card table, 'cause I’ve got a great Hearts hand that wants to be played, and a nice, big ice cream sundae that wants to be eaten.

Ooooh, I love hot fudge sauce. Yummy!

Oh, man, is this the thread for me!

You know what I hate? Things like Valentine’s Day! When all the commercials are screaming “what are you going to do for your sweetie?” Thanks for reminding me how single I am. !@#$%^&*()

Hey, anyone what to help me bake biscuits? I’ve got some cool receipes! :smiley:

Mmm…sausage…and…apology accepted, Red Elvis. :smiley:

Hm. Must. Feed. Og.

Kn*ckers, you and Neidhart are an item.
Convict and Jack@ss, congratulations.
Duke and Flamsterette, fight the good fight, Double Dragon style.
I hope I don’t run out of vic…er, willing conjugal partners…might have to go out on the and start shang-haiing more people using my sledge–er, Og’s Holy Symbol…

What’s our lesbian quotient right now? We might need more. :slight_smile:

What am I saying?! You can never have too many lesbians…

:eek: Lesbian orgy in the hot tub?!! I am so there!

Um, wait… due to my maleity I can’t be in a lesbian orgy unless we expand a few definitions. Eh… I’m still stuck in one of the outer dimensions in the card game as well. Wonder whether anyone’d notice if I vanished for a while and came back wet and grinning…?

So, Einmon… how you doin’?* :smiley:

*[sub]Male, female, other?[/sub] :slight_smile:

“Sorry I’m late”
brings in an armload full of sound-and-light toy lightsabers

“Oh, I bought some pot luck as well, anyone for cowboy stew?”

Wait, doesn’t it contradict the whole principle of a Single Zone to pair us all up? Goodness, it’s such an existential dilemma…

On the other hand, I can go brag to my friends that I have either a husband or a wife, now. They’ll probably be a bit confused by that… Though it couldn’t possibly be any more awkward than the chat Winsling had with his parents (which made my LOL, btw :slight_smile: ).

Wait, doesn’t it contradict the whole principle of a Single Zone to pair us all up? Goodness, it’s such an existential dilemma…

On the other hand, I can go brag to my friends that I have either a husband or a wife, now. They’ll probably be a bit confused by that… Though it couldn’t possibly be any more awkward than the chat Winsling had with his parents (which made my LOL, btw :slight_smile: ).

Whoa, deja vu.

Well, pairing people up is a heck of a lot cheerier than me going into a Married People Comfort Zone and destroying random relationships. :slight_smile:

Yay, lesbians and toy light sabers!

I did that on purpose.

Okay, I admit it, I DIDN’T do it on purpose. I’m going to go cry into my ice cream, now.