The Single People Comfort Zone

Lsura: Step right in, I think we have plenty of food left over.
And yeah, we’re planning on lots of 'splosions. Right after that grueling game of Hearts.

:cool: I liked Daredevil.
Being single is having total peace. I especially enjoy not having to consult with anyone when I make travel plans.

I want an arranged marriage. That would make life so much less complicated.

And I have brought pasta. Fettuccini alfredo and garlic bread. I never make it for myself, as I only have one of those mini-fridges, and there isn’t enough room for leftovers. So eat, eat!

Thanks a lot slortar. I just had the most awkward conversation possible with my parents. The good news is I left my text-to-speech running by accident

Hi Mom, hi Dad. I’ve got some news; I’m married.
Yeah, well, it’s to another guy. I think his name is Homeboy, or Homebody. Something like that anyways.
No, mom, I’m not gay.
What? No, I can’t break up with him, he’ll think I’m a bigot!
No, mom. I’m not out of the closet. No, wait, I’m… There are no closets involved!
I’m sorry.
I’m sorry.
Yeah, I think he’s nice. I haven’t actually met him.
No, dad, I’m not on drugs.
Look, I gotta go, love you both.

I need a drink.

I’m here!

I brought a couple cheesecakes (the recipe on the cream cheese wrapper) if anyone’s interested. Got some topping I made with the strawberries & raspberries from my garden too.

another good thing about being single: I can eat whatever I want. If I get into the high protein &working out phase, or if I make a pot of blackeyse & hamhocks, the dog doesn’t complain about the way I smell.

Where did all the beer go? WE’RE OUT? Y’all drink like a bunch of fish in here.

I’m going on a beer run. Anyone need anything?

Knock, knock.

Is there still room for one more?

I brought some of my homemade truffles!

(Like some of you other singles here, I also love to cook. I like to work chocolate, too, but making bonbons or bark or chocolate paste or mousse or what-have-you for no-one but yourself is even worse than cooking just for yourself.)

Oh, and here’s a half-bottle of truly excellent Dominican rum that I’d be happy to share with you guys. Drinking alone is even worse than making chocobits for one. Anyone have any vanilla Coke? Preferably the stuff from Canada?

Vanilla Coke from Canada? You got it, Scribble. Do you want that in a Slurpee, or just plain? :slight_smile:

Sorry I’m late, but I really haven’t been paying too much attention to this thing lately. I was going to stop by before, but got busy with other websites.

I’ve brought a whole bunch of music, but I’m not sure if it’ll be all right for this party…


::boggle:: Good Lord, Flamsterette_X, you got a 200-gig hard drive in that thing or what?

I was just gonna hook my MD player to the amp&speakers… I’ve got happy-hardcore, classic electronic, eighties music, sixties stuff from vinyl, and, oddly, the Gattaca soundtrack. You rock, F_X. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I thought Daredevil was quite good. That shimmery effect of seeing by sound was neat, the story construction was pretty good, and the two main characters seemed less cardboard than usual. I’d put it next to Spider-Man, for sure.

…Hey! Hey! Who said you could use other dimensions in this hearts game!? I don’t remember agreeing to that!! [sub]Maybe they won’t notice I have no idea what I’m doing…[/sub] Um… anyone for more chai?

All right, I have some soymilk and grumpiness available for this zone.

slortar, can I send good vibes to your arranged marriages? :slight_smile:

Flamsterette_X, toss this Smiths CD into the mix. It is a singles zone here.

Good Grief!
I turn my back for a minute and now I am married!
Ususally when I turn my back, I am single again!!

So, Tiburon, now we are married, shouldn’t we wave all these sad, lonely singletons goodbye and go home to our nice warm bed and remind each other how lucky we are to have found each other?

(Damn, the smug married syndrome sets in pretty damn quick!)

Flamsterette_X, I like your selection of music! May I additionally suggest some Coldplay (for those mellow after-Hearts-hours)? I’ll also pry my Zwan CD from the CD player for your enjoyment.

And remember, guys, we can always sing along reeeeal loud…who’s going to complain?

Certainly. Og smiles upon his arranged marriages. Well, technically, Og does not smash them. This is how I know these marriages will work out. I arrange, Og doesn’t smash. Everybody happy.

Congratulations, Magayuk. I am sure you and Lsura will be very happy together. :smiley:

(Lsura, take it as penance for spiting the name of Og and his newfound traditional of random, indiscriminate marriages. Og, does, indeed, smash. He is a petulant, yet spicy, god.) :wink:

(…and winsling, your post made me spray RC Cola across my monitor last night when I checked the boards. I’m glad your parents are so understanding. :D)

Actually, slotar according to my job, I’m already married, so as much of a nice guy as Amp seems to be, I’m afraid my marriage to him just can’t be.

Sorry there, guy, didn’t mean to break your heart.

So, who likes sausage (man, was that a wierd transition)? I make some kick ass sausage sandwiches. Nothing special, just some good ol’ fashioned spicey sausage, some red and greed bellpeppers, some grilled onions, possibly some tomatoes if your into that kinda thing, and some nice ciabatta bread. A little spicey mustard if you feel the need as well. As soon as convict gets back with the beer, we’ll have everything we need for a nice nutricious breakfast.

And personally, if we’re talking action films, might I suggest some John Woo? The Killer and Hard Boiled are two of the best (if not THE best) action films ever made. Body counts so high that if we took a drink for each kill, we’d all die from alcohol poisoning before the films were halfway over. Guy really knows his stuff.

So, just out of curiosity, who are the lovely ladies of the group? Just because I seem to be lacking in the “getting into it full swing” phase, doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with a little senseless flirting.

Thats just as well. I hog the covers anyway. We would have broken up in a few weeks because of it. Now, how about some sauage?

Curly Chick, I’m all about that. It did, however, occur to me that you may not know that I’m female. I don’t know if that is bad news to you. But if it is, the good news is that we can’t possibly (here in Illinois) be married. And if it isn’t, more good news is that we can still have sex! WOO!! :smiley:

To warm you all up, I’m gonna sit down here at my black grand piano and play a few tunes for you. Feel free to make requests - as long as they aren’t Memory or Send in the Clowns. Jazz is my forte.


Man this is great. Good food, music, good eats, and now live lesbian sex. Can it get any better than this?

Well…since it looks like we’re stuck together Magayuk, can I at least know if you’re male or female? Oh, and you don’t mind that I’m broke, a grad student and have a huge crush on someone else, right?
And I want to go to Scotland for the honeymoon…arrange that, would ya? :wink: