The Sixties on CNN

Anyone else watching this?

I know the whole story full-well, but it’s still a fascinating period in history: especially US history.

It’s on right now.

This might be interesting. But i will probably have to watch it all on youtube the next day or a few days from now.

It’s an ongoing series. I’ve watched it for 4 or 5 weeks now.

And now it’s interrupted by the President’s speech on the situation in Iraq. Damn.

I’ve seen about half of the eps and have most of the rest recorded, which CNN is making more difficult by doing what they probably should be doing, which is preempting eps to cover the Gaza situation.

For a geezer who’s seen a million 60’s docs, there’s not really much new information, but there has been some footage I’ve never seen before, which is saying something.

How many DIFFERENT eps are there? My directv program matrix gives the same ep titles so I gave up watching what I assumed would be reruns.

Nope. Tom Hanks can take his money and buy a bag GOOD Assholes and eat them, as far as I’m concerned.

Dear God, can the media stop fellating the damn baby boomers already.

The sixties?

Now that’s what I call guacamole!

I wouldn’t even bet that the last Gen-Xer will outlive the last BBer

Nope. As Khrushchev said - “We will bury you.” :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s numbers. You can’t argue with numbers. There are more Boomers than any other generation, so they get catered to.

Also, they are still watching television; that matters. Why would advertisers buy time to sell stuff targeted at Millennials, if the Millennials aren’t watching?
In re the OP: I’ve seen a couple or three of these doco-hours, and enjoyed them. I expect CNN will show them a lot, particularly on weekends, since (presumably) they own them…so it will be possible to catch up on seeing all of them, eventually.

So who’s advertising during this series, besides stair lifts, walk-in tubs, and Cialis?

Depends and reverse mortgages, mostly. :stuck_out_tongue:

Meh. Any group that’s defined as “anyone born in a twenty-year span” is pointless to argue about. 1945-1965? So you’re a Boomer if you were too old to be in much danger of being drafted for Vietnam and if you were way too young to be drafted for Vietnam? If you were in High School when Old Time Radio went off the air and if you were five years old when humans walked on the Moon? If you were born to people who fought in WWII and to people who were concerned with avoiding the Vietnam draft?

No. The Boomers will never die because the term will be redefined to include everyone at this rate.

well I like the show but have always felt similar to you. I was born in 58 and don’t consider myself the same as someone born in 46 or 64, but that is the problem with grouping things artificially.

Not to be snarky but 45-65 is 21 years. I’ve always heard boomers as 45-64

Bitch all you want about baby boomers, but it was a fantastic period in history; a decade that saw the collision of human rights, the British invasion, the assassination of two Kennedys, the Viet Nam war, the assassination of the leader of equal rights, the introduction of “the pill,” the space race and moon landings, and it goes on and on.

What a fucking decade. There will never be another decade like the sixties: ever.

Fascinating stuff.

What a fucking decade. There will never be another decade like the sixties: ever.


Not unless you’re talking about the 1860’s.

I watched the episode on the space race. I didn’t learn anything new, and had seen all the footage they showed. Still a fascinating subject.

Ten, according to CNN - this Thursday is the last one:
[li]Television Comes of Age[/li][li]The World on the Brink (Cuban missile crisis)[/li][li]The Assassination of Kennedy (2 hours - the second hour is almost entirely about the Warren Commission Report)[/li][li]The War in Vietnam[/li][li]A Long March to Freedom (Civil rights / MLK - 2 hours)[/li][li]The British Invasion (The Beatles & other British music groups)[/li][li]The Space Race[/li][li]1968 (pretty much entirely about the election)[/li][li]The Times They are A-Changin’ (equality for women, immigrants, and homosexuals)[/li][li]Sex, Drugs, and Rock N’ Roll[/li][/ul]