Woah. Where the heck did that show come from.
Was there any advertisement, any mention of it before today?
Kelsey Grammer led sketch comedy.
It was funny. Laugh out loud funny.
Woah. Where the heck did that show come from.
Was there any advertisement, any mention of it before today?
Kelsey Grammer led sketch comedy.
It was funny. Laugh out loud funny.
I didn’t watch the whole thing. Mostly because I cannot STAND Paul Tompkins.
Eh, I thought it was ok. A few genuine laughs, but they tended to beat a few jokes to death (especially the last sketch). I’ll watch it again, its just that there wasn’t anything new or interesting about what they’re doing. I guess “The Sketch Show” describes it perfectly. Still I’d prefer KITH or Monty Python repeats. However, it looked cheap and FOX loves cheap. She’ll last a while methinks.
I thought it was pretty good for a pilot. A good sketch show has lots of short bits with the occasional callback to tie it all together. Not like Mad TV or SNL where you have to sit through agonizingly long crap where the same joke is repeated over and over. The sketch with the sign-language guy was an example of this. (“This is a hundred percent!” Had me laughing out loud, though.)
It’s definitely a good show if you have a short attention span.
I saw a blurb about this show in Entertainment Weekly and it looks like a transplant of the UK series of the same name, but only retaining one of the British actors.
It was perceived here as a bit more lightweight and punny compared to some of its peers (like Smack the Pony and Big Train).
In case you’re interested, keep an eye out stateside for Little Britain, which is the hot sketch show at the moment. I expect this will be on BBC America soon if it isn’t already.
People are liking this show?
Because I thought it was the worst sketch comedy I’ve ever seen. Ever. I saw all the jokes coming from a mile away. Not funny at all.
Some things are funny even when you see them coming. I loved the astronaut leaving the capsule and the door shutting behind them — saw it coming right away-- but just thinking about it makes me laugh. Maybe I’m easily amused?
It was okay – if there’s no competition, I’ll watch it, but it wasn’t great television by any means.
Like I said, I didn’t see the whole thing, but I prefer The Edge.
I thought it was good.
I am old enough to remember Laugh In and the show TWTWTW (That Was The Week That Was) and this is very similar. Sketches that last from 5 seconds to about a minute - if you don’t like one, the next is coming right up.
Perfect formula and even if only 3 or 4 make you laugh, it is still a hell of a lot better than most of the sitcoms starring fat husbands and their perfect, model-figure wives.
I will tune in again next week…may not be the best show on TV, but better than a poke in the eye.
It wasn’t the greatest, but damn, I gave it more laughs then I could the night before flipping between the awful Mad TV and the horendous SNL. It is nice to see sketch comedy that isn’t a rehash of a popular character doing the same tired routeen or another parody of TV/Movies.
My wife and I thought it was pretty funny. The Psychiatrist bit had me laughing out loud and I thought it was really funny when the voice showed up again as Houston Control "wahh!!!..the thrusters are damaged…wahhh… I’m stuck on the Moom… wahhh!!!.
At first, I was a little surprised at the format, but got used to it quickly. It took me a few of the skits to understand why they felt so familiar, but finally pinned down that they seemed like witty single panel comics. Far Side, or the current craptacular copycat in my Sunday Post, That’s Life.
Most of it WAS telegraphed, and some of the jokes were just weak puns (and who’d’a thunk that “We need a room for two knights” joke in the ads for the show would be the ENTIRE skit?), or were just painful (California Dreamin’ at the end or the WAH WAH Psychiatrist). But there were some funny jokes in there. A pleasant surprise, but I predict only about as big a hit as Drew’s Line Is It Anyway was. Maybe 6 or 7 out of 10, and certainly something to watch if the only competition is once again “Jake In Progress.” If it keeps the current spot, Desperate Housewives will kill it.
Dude! Don’t ruin the dream!
After watching it, my comment was “This is how long the sketches on SNL or Mad should be”.
Plus, seeing Chloe from “24” doing comedy got the one eyebrow raise from me (not a good thing).
Are they all American actors in it? Because the UK have a show called “The Sketch Show” that have these exact same sketches in it.
I mentioned this in post #6.
Chloe from “24” (Mary Lynn Rajskub) actually started in improv and has done a lot more comedy than drama in her career.
I think it’ll last at least as long as Drew Carey’s Green Screen Show.
Oh wait, that’s been put “on hiatus” after 4 eps.