The Start of The Irk Week MMP

Slept til 9. Met a friend for lunch. Doing laundry. Thinking of the gym later.

Peace out yo.

The stuff we’re on call for on the weekends got f’d up so my teammate and manager spent a bunch of time on conference calls over the weekend. And we still didn’t have the output until 9:30 this morning. Woo. And, in the middle of that, our IT service center couldn’t get a hold of any of the IT on-call people. For about 4 hours. My VP is going to talk to the IT VP and there’s going to be a Come to Jesus talk with the IT on call rotation to say that it is not acceptable to be out of touch for that long when you’re on call. Sheesh.

I’m doing my routine Monday work plus fighting with the Project From Hell. It’s still not done. And now there might be mistakes in the logic. ARGH!

I had a nice lunch at home with the cat, sitting in the sun. That was the high point of the day so far.

Hi Shadow! Good to see you here again!

I finished two blankets over the weekend. Feather and fan stripes pic and detail. Lily really liked the second blanket. Here’s a closeup of that one too.

Dunno what this week will hold for me - several of my team mates are really busy, but since I’m not an electrical engineer, I can’t help them out much. And at the moment, no one wants the services of a mechanical engineer. So I read a lot - mostly work related reading, of course.

Glad Monday is past - at least the worst part. **FCD **came home and crashed in bed. I’ll hold off till an early bedtime, but I’m exhausted. Daughter is on her way home. I’m about to toss the chicken in the oven. I’ll figure out the sides later. I seem to have a bad attitude going at the moment… who’d’a thunk it??

I had a long post, but it got eaten. TL;DR: updating resume, vacation in 30 days.

Shadow! How ya doin’?

Sketties and meatballs with sallit was a perfect dindin. The weather forecast for today was a big bust. It rained and well, never got above 60 degrees. Thus a nice comforty dindin on a coolish day!

Now I shall go take me a soak in the tub.

Later Y’all!

Have done nothing productive all day except cut up a batch of soap and go to the store to buy Alaskan Cod for dinner. Forgot the buttermilk. :frowning:
Gonna go hang paintings for this Friday’s Artwalk in a few minutes.

That is all.

**Bumba, ** yesterday I ran across one of the sample bars of soap you gave me when you came up for Swampfest.

Your lotions were nice too.

It’s definitely been Monday and extra irksome at work. This is nothing new.

Whoa! New people and long-time disappeared Mumpers all over the place. Welcome (back)!

How was the figurative mulch-spreading, lieu?

That sounds incredibly annoying, taxi. I would cry if something was broken and our on-call folks didn’t respond. Blankets both look great, by the way.

Brother and nephew are on their way to D.C. They’ll be back on Thursday, just in time for me to be off on Friday. Yay! We already agreed that we’re going to go to the cake walk at one of the local schools.

Irk was not as irksome as it could have been. Actually got quite a bit done. Although some of it was tracking my time from last week, which took an inordinate amount of time. (I really need to force myself to do it daily.)

Having dinner (hot cross bun and a banana) and pondering what to do with my evening.

Back later with further fascinating updates.

Ugh. I’m playing scrabble and I have five letter As in my rack. :frowning:

In your rack? :smiley: I just keep my wallet in there!

I have been to the doctor’s, played with the kids, and made dinner. I’m trying to clean and TomKitten is helping, which means that it should only take 1414123436x as long as without him. Gnat hasn’t been totally awful in more than a day. It’s been good. I am sort of looking forward to this week.


Apparently I’m a AAAAA cup!


I took a brief nap when I got home from work - yes, I am a napper! :slight_smile: I feel better for doing it too, usually.

Taxi, those blankets are beautiful! I like how your kitty has given approval too, cute. Sorry about that project from Hell, though. :frowning: I hope the rest of your day went better, Nava. And was that another SpecialOne sighting?! It definitely is good to have you around again, and to some other long-time-no-see posters (Shadow I’m looking at you! :)), please stay and chime in from time to time, please! :slight_smile: So good to see you too, Shadow.

I met the new administrative assistant - she needed help using one of the on-line systems, so she came to my desk and I helped show her how to make some fixes. Unfortunately for me, her name is Barbara Gordon, and every time I get a picture in my head of Batgirl and hear the Batman theme song! Ye gods! She is too young to know who Batgirl is, which is probably a good thing! LOL For any other youngsters out there who don’t know, Batgirl was Commissioner Gordon’s daughter, Barbara.

One down, four more to go. :slight_smile:

The shop opens at 7:30, so I set my alarm for 7:29, grabbed my cellie, and called to find out the status of my car. “It’s all fixed” says he, “I knew you needed it back so I had two of the guys come in on Saturday” Yay! thought I; what I said was “oh good. thank you. I’m going back to sleep now for a bit - see you around 10 am.”
I pulled myself together around 11:30, drove over to Enterprise to settle up with them, and they drove me to the shop in the 300 so I could transfer all my stuff back to my car. I went back inside to settle of with the mechanic. He was kind enough to knock 10% off the bill to help offset the cost of the rental.
So, I get in the car figuring to head to the doc’s to find out why I cannot shake this stoopit cough. I’m not 100 yards away when the “service engine soon” light pops on. WTF!?!?!?! So I turn right around and pull back in. When I told him why, the mechanic said WTF!?!?!?!, too.
Turns out it was a faulty sensor, and they’d have the part in about an hour, and they’ll be able to take care of it as soon as I bring the car back, at no charge.
So I went to the doc’s, she took xrays and 'scribed me a different antibiotic and we’ll see if that helps at all.
Back at the mechanic’s around 3:30. Car was done by 4:45. I picked up my meds and came home and collapsed. So much for sleeping off the aches and pains of the weekend.

It is now 9:15 p.m. God’s Time.

Culinary Boy has not come back from the laundromat yet.

There is a pot roast in the crock pot that Computer Boy and I are forbidden to touch (other than stirring every 30 minutes) until he comes home.

I have not eaten much of anything (other than a few snack veggies) since 12:30 this afternoon.

Culinary Boy better be getting back home tout suite.

My husband is in a mood, and I don’t want to talk to him anymore tonight. I’m hiding out in the bedroom.

Finally in my hotel room in Sandy Yeggo. I was delayed at O’Hare when the inbound plane sucked a bird through one of the engines, and they took an hour to clean it out. I’s tahred…

There have been many occasions where I’ve not finished a book because it sucked, but for the first time ever, I gave away the book I brought with me because it got to me, and not in a good way. This one was about the firemen and medics at the World Trade Center on 9/11, with the survivors telling their stories. I had to put it down.

I watched the remake of True Grit for the in-flight movie instead, and that was good enough that I would have paid cash money to see it in a first run theater.

Alas, I need to go find a drug store for allergy medications. I brought my hay fever with me.

Maybe you should remind them of the ME’s view of EE troubleshooting: When you start, make sure it’s plugged in.


Bobbio, We have several books on about the heros of 9/11. None ot them read through. I still can’t look at them.
If you want a great firefighting read, try Jumping Fire by Murry A Taylor. I learned more about Hubby from that than from all the stories by his family. It reads like a novel, but it’s an autobiography.

My day was eventful, for me.
I went to the mall for thge first time in 4 years ( I HATE the mall) and got my hair cut by a professional for the first time in 10 years. (I don’t like my hair touched, because my head is sensitive, and most stylists pull.)
I had it colored and cut. I love it, so does Hubby.

We went to our favorite hangout and everyone said nice things about it. Everone except the resident girldoggy. She walked in and I thought she said “I like your hair.” I said “Thank you” She came back with, “No, I said, ‘What happened to your hair.’ I didn’t say it looked good.”
I was shocked to silence. Hubby wanted to help her understand how to be polite, but we left instead.
I wanted to cry, but I didn’t.

And the computer tech’s corollary: Did you try rebooting? Sadly, this also becomes the non-computer tech’s advice.

I couldn’t access one of the employee benefit sites at work today. Everything else works fine - just the one site. I tried clearing cache and deleting cookies. No joy. I then tried spending cash and eating cookies. Tasty, but still no website. Rebooting only managed to waste five minutes. Finally, I call the HR reps, irked that I had to wade through levels of menus and cryptic PINS and passwords to handle something that could have been done online in about as much time as it took to pick up the phone and dial, never mind the menus and waiting for a person.

She was nice as could be and seemed genuinely confused that I couldn’t get into the site that she’s been using all day long, and suggested that I tried rebooting. My tongue is still sore after I nearly bit through it…

Meanwhile… DH is looking at gastric bypass - probably a RNY. It’s already become quite the paper chase. Think we’ll need to set up a binder to contain all of the insurance approvals, test results, new patient questionnaires, documentation of ineffective attempts like two years of Weight Watchers, checklists, etc that have accumulated, and he’s not even met with a surgeon yet. But, with a BMI of 47, co-morbs of apnea, hypertension and coronary disease, and a family history of obesity and popping off due to strokes and heart attacks, it does seem to be the way to go.

I’ve been doing what I can to introduce him to the idea of what he’ll be able to eat post-op. He seems to understand the idea of several tiny meals through the day - one thing that helps is a member of the extended family had WLS a couple of years ago, and ON THE WAY HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL, they went to KFC. Their still-healing stomach burst and they nearly died of sepsis with chicken and biscuits and a Coke roaming around their abdomen. And my experiences with regurgitation of food that doesn’t fit and a variety of dumping as an unexpected side-effect of a fundoplication have been useful.

Would that mean a concave chest?

And you didn’t ask whether your BG’s parents named her after that other BG? You sure have a lot more self-control than I do.

No no, sorry, you’re not allowed that “resting” stuff. Don’t want you to get lazy.

Is that where you’d dropped the pronouns? You found them!

picu, I think you need to apologize to actual female dogs: that extrauniversal alien gives them a bad name.

I got the referrals for the specialists, but I have to hand them in at an office which wasn’t open by the time I finished, so I have to go back in today. The doctor didn’t want to give them to me on account that I may be leaving before any tests are done (full allergy studies can take a full year), but as I pointed out, by that reasoning I’d never go to the doctor.

We have this guy at work, not exactly our boss but boss-level in the department. He is always expounding about how he rarely leaves before 7 and blahblah dedication blahblah - what he conveniently forgets is that since he’s never in before 10, and our official working hours are 8-5, he’s actually acting upon a privilege which lets him work the hours he likes, rather than showing any “special dedication”. One of the other guys needs this feller to do something re. accesses and is about ready to commit bossicide, as he can’t do anything until His Dedicated Lordship comes in. If Coworker kills HDL, I probably shouldn’t record it and post it on youtube, should I? I mean, HDL deserves a beating, but it would still be illegal…