With all the racist trolling that’s been going on here the past couple of days, I found my way over to ‘their’ forum. I’m not going to link to it, but you can easily work out the address if you want to.
And it’s fascinating. These guys are so afraid - afraid of Jews, of Mexicans, of claims that non-whites have independent cultural achievements. They constantly shift the goalposts, one minute there’s a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world, the next it’s immigrants trying to leech off white, then it’s inherent genetic superiority demonstrated by IQ tests and brain weight. They’ll complain that the media is spineless, oh and don’t forget that white guys invented the steam engine and the lightbulb, and ancient Egyptians don’t count as Africans. And black guys will give you Aids.
It’s incredible that people can think this way. They’re wrapped up in their own little sphere of doubt and fear, and anything outside of it has to be fitted into this bizarre representation of the real world. They don’t even seem to have noticed that the USSR no longer exists. :rolleyes: And they even manage to argue that the looting of Baghdad’s museums was done by Jews.
Fascinating? One of the saddest things I’ve ever seen, IMO. I really don’t know how I could function with that level of fear, paranoia and hatred constantly running through me.
Actually, though, I agree to some extent; I find it interesting, at least, that most of these people live in the same country, and roughly the same physical and economic circumstances that I do, yet where I see a reasonable degree of opportunity and relative peace, they seem to find an apocalyptic nightmare that nothing but complete upheaval and copious bloodshed will resolve. Oh, well.
As for the many, many things of which they are afraid, I guess that’s why they call it xenophobia
Fear is the right word. I used to have a Canadian Nazi villa-mate. Odd fellow, scared to death of everything and everybody, including Cree Indians of all things.
I had a wee look round the site, and was indeed fascinated as well as appalled. There are all these made-up words that I guess have a common currency there (a few of which got used here) - ‘Jewspeak’ etc. It’s like some form of collective delusion.
Africans as in “No Africans have ever achieved anything of note”. Ancient Egypt blows a hole in that claim, so they say “Oh, well, the Egyptians were more kind of European people anyway”.
Much as I hate to say it, the Stormfronters have something of a point on this issue. There are a number of Afrocentric “scholars” who make the claim that Egyptians were “black” (In reality, Egyptian art typically indicates the ancient Egyptians saw themselves with a more middle-eastern appearance, distinct from both “whites” from the north and “blacks” from the south.), that the Greeks stole all there philosphy and learning from them, that the white man is trying to keep them down, suppress this info ect. Here is the Skeptic’s dictionary’s take on the subject.
Yes… almost like a religion. There was a History channel program on American Nazis today. Pastor Richard Butler (the spiritual leader of the Aryan Nations) was fascinating; he didn’t sound like a Nazi so much as one of the Christian Patriots.
What I don’t get is why the Jews still get so much flak. I can understand, to a degree, why they hate blacks and asians and gays- because to someone who has never learned to engaged in Socratic reasoning, they’re all obviously responsible for everything that is wrong with America (see Salvador’s ridiculous stolen diatribe about how blacks are obviously all criminals because there are more of them in jail). Why, though, would you possibly be so paranoid about a Jewish secretly controlling the world when a white Protestant elite so openly controls it?
I think everyone needs to take a note from this thread and STOP TALKING ABOUT THEM! For the love of God, there are a bazillion threads about these people cluttering up this board, giving them the attention they want, and driving the administration crazy. Stop feeding the trolls!
I’ve always believed that anti-Semitism is a form of mental illness. Even the most causal browsing the Stormfront board more than confirms this for me.
I think that Doper interest in Stormfront is rather natural, seeing as how those guys often show up here, sprew some hatred, and then get banned. I, too, have peeked over there, wondering what those folks have running through their heads.
But one thing that has always baffled me is, why do the Stormfronters have such an interest in this li’l ol’ board? Is there something about the Dope that they feel drawn to, or could it be that the Nazi types try to post anywhere there’s a discussion, so the SDMB shouldn’t feel so special?