So, here I am at work. A very slow day, mainly I am just doing some behind the scenes checks on a couple of systems which means lots of time is spent running reports and tests, sitting around, then waiting for the results.
I have kids I have picked as my favorite based on name or state or number or any other random thing I can think of. As I keep refreshing the page to see what has happened, I either cheer because Rohit Parulkar spelled Graustarkian correctly, or I am disappointed because Andrew Brown misspelled mnestic.
Gee, I was going to jump in here by telling you that I am highly entertained by the noise made when bopping myself on the head with an empty 2 liter bottle. But what with your strange thing seeming a lot less strange than my strange thing, I don’t think I will.
Join me among the ranks who have amused themselves with the empty 2-liter thing.
If I press the palms of my hands together in a “10-and-2” kind of position, I can make little fart noises just by pushing them together like an eighth of an inch.
When pushed together, it creates a little mini air-lock, and then you can slightly relax your hands and they are stuck together. What’s going on there?
For what it is worth (just to let you know that I CAN type it out all the way, you know ;)), “echt” is a Dutch word meaning true, genuine. It is also a German word, same meaning.
Carry on… I like hitting myself with plastic Coke bottles too, BTW (just to let you know that I DO know my acronyms!). However, when purely judging the audio aspect, I prefer the 1.5 liter sound.
I like to do this thing where you put your fingertips from one hand onto the ones on your other hand, and then move the palm of your hand out and in until it feels like there’s a plate between them.
I apologize for my shit job of explaining.
I can’t follow this, but it sounds really interesting.
I like to watch TV shows (ER and figure skating championships are my favorite) with no sound on and make up my own dialouge/commentary.
When people talk, I tend to visualize a giant typewriter typing out every word they say, and there’s objects that are somewhat relevant to the talking flying around it. [When i say this out loud, i feel really dumb. oh well.]
I also like to stare at fire or a streamer thingy in the wind, watching it flutter about.
Count me in as a hand farter, but DEAR BUDDA, I’ve never been so bored I’ve bopped my head with an empty soda pop container.
As for the Spelling Bee, there is something about the drama and the pressure these kids are under to spell words that I, a fairly literate ignormamus, have never heard before. Their reactions are pure and genuine and I like this much more than the Olympics any day!
In the same vein as Typewriter Thoughts: Every time I’m in a new crowded place ( room, restaurant, Mall.etc) I envision some kind of chaotic situation, like *Die Hard *, where my skills as a homemaker save the day. Throwing poopy diapers like a grenade seems to be my best weapon right now.
Prior to Children, the recurring theme was, " The Travel Agent who Saved the Mega-Mart." I think my one superior skill for that scenario was to shoot the evil villians with the only stapler that worked at my office. Oh, and then giving the dasterly criminals a fate worse than execution: the middle seat on a long haul flight.