The Sweetest Sound . . .

Round about 2:30 this morning I heard the wee small voice of my 4 year-old daughter in the hallway. (Those of you with kids know this voice as meaning that you’ll be spendin’ the next hour or so cleaning things.) Per instinct and conditioning, I dashed into the hall, scooped up the child, and headed for the bathroom . . .

Whereupon she gave me a gigantic hug, and said, “Dad, I love you.” Then she wiggled free and wandered back to bed.

Melted my damned soul.

Time for some good news around here – what’s the sweetest sound you’ve heard lately?
Dr. Watson
“Love is more just than justice.” – Henry Ward Beecher

I’ll have to tell you later today; I’m hoping it will be, “They’d like to offer you the job, starting immediately, with a $3,000 pay increase.”

We are offering you this job to be a project leader for doing what you want to do, in the city you want to move to, with a salary increase of $8,000.

You say neato, check your libido, and roll to the church in your new tuxedo.

Mul, them’s sweet words!

I did get the call. I did get the job. I did get $1,000 raise. (2 out of three ain’t bad, and I’m not complaining about 3!)

Start very soon (not even 2 weeks notice - they don’t deserve it!), maybe Friday or Monday. Will find out later today.

Now, the important questions is: Do they have internet access so I can stay on the Board?!

Yay BunnyGirl! From what you’ve been telling us, you deserve this new job! I’ll drink to your health. :wink:

“I thought: opera, how hard can it be? Songs. Pretty girls dancing. Nice scenery. Lots of people handing over cash. Got to be better than the cut-throat world of yoghurt, I thought.” - Seldom Bucket

Seriously? The loud sweet song of the cardinals who come back to this area to nest every year at this time. Second runner up: the squeal of the brakes on the school bus as it rounds the corner at 7:30 a.m. every weekday. Third runner up: the loud commanding “meow” of hunger from your cat, who has recently been pulled back from the brink of death.

4 year olds talk like that. 14 year olds don’t. What is it about ten years that changes their sound?

I think the sweetest sound is the sound of small children when they squeal with laughter, when they are totally unaware the rest of the world exists, cause they are so in the moment.I always smile when I hear it.

“Patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings.” Bob Dylan

There’s so many to choose from! Let me try a few examples.

  • The opening of a beer bottle (on a hot summer day!);

  • A Ferrari flat-12 (boxer) engine;

  • The ICQ “Uh-Oh” Sound :smiley: .

Voted Poster Most Likely To Post Drunk

"You know how complex women are"

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

This from the guy who’s most likely to post drunk… :smiley:

Mind you, I’m never drunk when I drive the Ferrari though :wink:

Voted Poster Most Likely To Post Drunk

"You know how complex women are"

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

Wife Seductively: Honee the oldest is at the movies and the youngest is skating… :slight_smile:

Up your butt and around the corner.

aha… you REALLY shouldn’t have posted your sig line in combination with that remark… it makes that obviously romantic moment somewhat… well, TACKY :smiley:

Voted Poster Most Likely To Post Drunk

"You know how complex women are"

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

::snort:: that’s funny! I just read it that way too!

Moosie, thanks! Plus, the way our employee manual is written is very vague about the way vacation days are paid out so (get this) they have to pay us for the entire number of days we WOULD HAVE accrued for the entire year! Cool! That amount will equal one of my paychecks. And yes, they’ve done it for other people that have left (all men) and my Finance Manager (who’s been taking care of me during this whole fiasco and also just left) made if very clear that if we two women didn’t get the same treatment, she’d be at the attorney faster than they can say DISCRIMINATION LAWSUIT. She ain’t foolin’ either - our CEO is a d**k and has treated her like crap.

::happy dance, happy dance::

The wonderfully, sweet, tender, and deeply heartfelt way my boyfriend says “I love you” (EVERYtime he says it…) :slight_smile:


“Casey got hit with a bucket o’ ****
and the baaannnnddd plaaayyed onnnnnnn…”

According to some proverb I don’t remember, the sweetest sound in the world is “the clink of dishes in the ears of a hungry man.”

Heads off to the May Palace for Szechuan Chicken and Fried Rice with Egg Drop Soup.
– Sylence

If a bird doesn’t sing, I’ll wait until it sings.

  • Tokugawa Ieyasu

Michael Bolton on my car radio this morning.

(that was a joke! I wanted to say “my fiancee telling me this morning she loves me”, but it’s been done.)

Mine was yesterday, hearing my new nephew cry for the first time!

Oh my heart skipped a beat and I got tears in my eyes!

hahahah right you are coldfire