The object of this game is to find something you wrote before today (you’re on your honor, obviously) and pull a line or two- up to a paragraph say- out of context and post it. It could be from a fiction or non-fiction story, just something that has an actual plot or point. It would be more challenging if you didn’t post lines from something you’re written in an SD thread, but that’s up to you.
Pick a couple of letters that identify you to label your post with, so people can follow along. (I’ll use EK for Elfkin, for example). If you think that you’d like to post more than one bit, please number them as well so we can keep track of them. [sub] this is like the movie/book line games’ labeling systems if you’ve played those [/sub]
Allow five people to guess what it’s about before revealing the truth- please repost the line(s) with the explaination as to how it fits your piece of writing.
No one has to wait until any are resolved to post theirs. It would be sort of nice to have lots for people to guess at at once while posting new ones, actually. Oh, you can guess more often than you post lines, as well, or else we’d end up with a huge amount of lines to guess
To sum it up (because even I’m getting confused):
a. try to guess what others posters stories are really about based on their out of context quote and/or:
b. post your own labeled lines from something you’ve written.
c. allow people to guess until either five have guessed, or someone guesses correctly.
d. after the guesses, repost your line and explain how it makes sense in context.
To start I’ll post the lines that gave me the idea for this game in the first place. Ready to give this a whirl?
EK1: Noel gave the puppy an unhappy look. He seemed disappointed that there were no midgets.
MON1: 2. Act pitiful: As you will see, this technique can be used in many different endeavors. Although it may seem degrading, its definitely worth it.
Is RC1 a story about villians who use explosives formed out of pastries?
Is RC2 a pirate doing a Santa impression?
Is MON1 bad advice for “nice guys”?
Is NCB1 a magical recipe gone awry?
EK2: Oh sure, at first there will be a huge increase in accidental deaths, what with people mixing drugs and alcohol alone, but the results will be worth it.
RC2 is indeed a pirate. He’s telling a story.
RC1 is advice from one character in a story I wrote, to another character, about a third character who was known to kill a fourth character with a poisoned donut.