The too tough to die MMP

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 47 Amurrkin out and cloudy with a predicted high of 49 with maybe rain. Or maybe not. We have a FREEZE WARNING for early tomorrow mornin’. Weather be weird. Sloth and uselessness shall rule the day. Any need to feed will be via forage. However, tomorrow I shall make a pot roast. I yanked a hunk o’ beast out of da freezer for that purpose.

MOOOOOOM yay for FCD not needin’ surgery!

unknown perhaps you could keep the cane nearby and raise it whenever hubs starts to annoy you.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah,

Happy Sattidy Y’all!

FCD keeps talking about me getting a new computer and/or a new tablet. But I don’t do anything that requires a fancy, fast machine. Granted, my tablet is closing in on 5 years old, so it’s definitely in its dotage, but I’ll replace it when it dies. It’s not like I’ll implode if I can’t play Sudoku or one of my silly matching games for a week or two. And apart from being here or on FB, I mostly use this desktop to do web searches or to shop. Oh, and some minor photo editing. So, no, I don’t need a new computer, thanks.

And you’re right about my grands… at least until they reach the obnoxious stage. Then we’ll talk. :wink:

I awoke to what sounded like some sort of vermin scratching around my nightstand. Turns out it was precip hitting the window next to my nightstand. Dunno if there’s sleet mixed in with the rain or just big raindrops. I also heard a little thunder at some point.

I’ve mixed up a batch of breakfast so when FCD drags himself out of bed, I’ll fire up the stove. (Well, not exactly fire, since it’s electric, but you know…) He’ll eat 'em with syrup but I know the only proper topping is sour cream. Much yum shall ensue.

The only other items on the agenda are a trip to CVS for his muscle relaxers and pain meds, then washing a load of unders, and we’ll finish the dock lines. I’ve done all the splices, but we need to fuse the bitter ends, then add the red and green whipping and tape. They don’t have to be red and green, but we decided to get all fancy and designate port and starboard lines. Yachty as hell!! :rofl:

Apart from that, we’ll be avoiding the outside, doing our best to stay warm and dry.

Happy Saturday!!

It occurred to me I should probably show you the dock lines. This is the splice:
You separate the three strands about 8" from the end, then weave them into the line to form the size loop you want to go over a piling. The line is nylon, so when new, it’s nice and slippery and easy to work with. The electrical tape on the 3 ends is to keep it from unraveling till the strands can be fused when the splice is done.

This is how a finished (port) line looks:
The red thread is whipped around the bitter end, and you can see where he melted the fibers to fuse them together. The whipping is just for us to identify the line - it’s not absolutely necessary. FCD got shrinkwrap tubing from an electrical supply place and after fusing the three ends used to splice, he covered that end with the shrinkwrap and used the heat gun to shrink it. Then he wrapped weatherproof tape to give us the color we want. Again, not absolutely necessary, but it’s how we decided to finish it off.

We’ve got four 40+’ spring lines (to keep the boat from moving forward or back when moored) four 30+’ bow/stern lines (to keep it centered in the slip) and two 35’ unspliced lines because you never know when you’ll need another line. There are some old dock lines aboard - those will be kept just in case.

That’s your marlinspike seamanship lesson for the day!


Afternoon, mumpers! Busy day here already and we’re only halfway through it. Bootcamp and spin at the gym, then a stop off at the pet store on the way home to stock up on cat litter, quick change at home then off to get my hair cut. Blokie is making lunch for us today, I plan to chill on the sofa this afternoon then we’re off into town for food tonight, and then a couple of bands in a pub. Consequently, I have next to nothing planned for tomorrow.

moooom good new for FCD at last.

metal mouse I would like to think there’s a local anaesthtic for cats, but Ophie has more than one tooth that needs to come out so it would be kinder to knock her out completely instead. Poor little mite has quite a bit going on!

He is a very handsome little fellow!

Mooooooom, Toby is indeed one of the cutest babbys in the history of babbys.

Up, caffeinating, breakfasted and fixing to do KP. It snowed about 4" last night :open_mouth: and the walkways weren’t shoveled yet when I walked Nelson, so we didn’t venture far. It actually took longer to suit both of us up than it did for him to take care of business. I don’t look for the snow to last long, given that the ground was still fairly warm before. It’s just aggravating to have to deal with it in the middle of March.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

Morning all. 12 hours ago it was 60F and I was working with soccer players outdoors at the fields. Now it is 28F and about 2-3" of snow on the ground, and I don’t there will be any soccer played today (might get to 34F). Hard freeze tonight (might reach single digits) and then it’ll start warming up again, into the 50’s.

At least here, the roads and driveways are clear, so people will be out. Me? we’ll see.

boo fae, sounds like a pretty full day. And you know what is best for the kitteh.

FCM, thanks for the lesson in seamanship. Sound like you know the ropes…

doggio, well-played.

Unknown, like an old saying I got from my Mom, “Divorce, never; Murder, possibly.” Hope Husband-unit is hit by a large clue-stick and stops with the whining.

OK, need to be on with the day. may try to make it to gym later and still have all my Jumbles and Sudoku’s to do from Friday. All y’all have a good Sattiday.

It didn’t, sadly. He wasn’t there & a different manager covered his shift. I was so disappointed, I didn’t even ask why.

Thanks. Gentleman Caller came over last night and un-scrambled my brains quite thoroughly.

Going to pet-sit for my friend with the 7 cats (and a dog!) today. That’s sure to put me in a good mood as well.

… looks like we got a light dusting of fresh snow overnight, too.

Tobster is a darling baby. It is 7F at 8am. I am not amused.

I do a variation of that when my wife is doing some onerous chore: “If you need some help, I could probably find somebody for you.”

Good morning everyone.

It’s currently 35 degrees outside. I see some blue sky but it’s supposed to be cloudy and rain is also supposed to move in this afternoon.

That is one cute babby, FCM!

My husband is also a gamer, unknown. In fact our whole family was, me included. I used to play World of Warcraft a looooooooong time ago. My husband used to get cranky when his machine wasn’t working too. He sometimes became downright unbearable, actually. He doesn’t get that way anymore, and now has two machines. One down here in the den and a new machine we bought last year to run his virtual reality headset. He uses both all the time. Games require more and more video card and RAM capability. I don’t really game anymore, although I do use my Occulus for exercise and a couple of other things. All this to say, I can really empathize with what you’re going through. Back in the day, I considered husbandcide a few times myself! I think some gaming is good. I also remember sometime ago that a SDer was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and played games to keep sharp longer. I can’t remember his name, but he was a prolific poster.

I think that I will shop for pillows for my new couch and loveseat, along with an area rug today. I really need to get some paint up on the walls, because the current color just doesn’t look good at all with the couch. I want to go much lighter and am leaning toward a very light silvery gray with the lightest hint of blue in it. My husband is leaning more towards a very soft green (not yellow based). I think I prefer my color because I’m trying to bring out the blue in the furniture. All this to say, I NEED to paint!

Well, I supposed I should work on some tidying and then clean myself up to hit the stores. Have a good day everyone.

I feel fortunate - the closest FCD comes to gaming is playing Solitaire while watching TV. Neither of us are into the MMORGWEQOIOCW whatever it is. SIL plays some kind of basketball thing with his brother, often when both are in the same room. I don’t know if he plays with others on line or not.

Breakfast was yum, but that recipe makes way too much for 2 of us. I should probably halve it. Then again, the batter will hold in the fridge, so it can be tomorrow’s breakfast also.

When I left for CVS, it was sleeting here. It’s about 6-7 miles from here to there, and in that space, I hit rain, snow, and nothing. Once I got home, it was sleeting again, and now it’s snowing. If Accuweather is in fact accurate, this stuff will stop mid-afternoon-ish with little to no accumulation. Meanwhile, the temperature has been dropping all morning. It was nearly 39° when I woke. Now it’s 34°, on the way to the low 20s.

But I got his meds, as well as some medicinal cookies. Unders are in the washer. He’s just taken his muscle relaxer, so he should be unconscious soon. I need to load the dishwasher, and then I can read while waiting for the laundry to finish. Definitely nothing pressing on the agenda.

Irked from home Friday. In the afternoon I received a letter from the state telling me the Prius’s registration has been cancelled because it’s totalled. I made it to the licensing place at the supermarket to apply for a new title, so I’m legal again.

Wifey bought dinner last night. We went to CJ’s Beach House. She had a steak and a bowl of French onion soup, and I had a small Caesar salad and a cheeseburger. 2 Hibiscus mimosas for her, and two ginnintonics for me. $120 with a $20 tip.

We stayed up until 01:00 watching Season 2 of Upload, and we slept six hours. Making home fries, bacon, and cackleberries for breakfast.

I heaved. It rained. The temp dropped 10 degrees in 2 hours. I made scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, and sauteed asparagus for breakfast. Laundry is drying.

I miss DOOM
And nifty knots.

: clutches special Lenten pearls :

Woke up to howling winds and decent snowfall, but now it’s just after noon and the snow stopped about an hour ago. It’s still kinda windy, though – and, somehow, colder than it was this morning. There’s 1-2" on the grass but paved surfaces are mostly just wet (and a little slushy), so as long as it doesn’t start snowing again I think I’m going to keep my 1:30 appointment: I’m finally getting a consult to have one of my tattoos removed and the other one partly faded. Afterwards, I plan to go to a jewelry shop that was recommended – and is just a few blocks from the laser clinic – and finally see about getting a pearl replaced in a ring I inherited from my mom, and also getting the stone from her engagement ring turned into a pendant (my folks divorced in the 80s, but I still ran the latter idea past my dad).

The tattoo I want removed is kind of big, and on my left arm: someday I might actually want to wear a tank top (or maybe even a sleeveless fancy dress), and the tattoo is no longer “me.” The subject matter – a wolf – is still near and dear to my heart, but the style is super dated and it’s time for it to go. I got it in 1999, at a tattoo convention. The one I want partially faded is five years older, but smaller and on my right ankle: it’s a G clef, which I want to keep, but with a too-dark background that makes the whole thing look like a big smudge (long story). The tattoo removal lasers are pretty precise, so they should be able to significantly lighten the background and make the G clef more obvious. I expect the cost for both to be pretty $$$, and the work will require multiple sessions 6-8 weeks apart, but I’m happy about the idea of finally starting the process. All part of this year’s physical transformation. :slight_smile:

FCM: You definitely have one pretty darn adorable grandson there (and your granddaughter is no slouch, either)!!

I started that last night (after finishing the new season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel), and plan to finish it when I’m back from my tattoo removal/jewelry consults. I got through epsiode 3. So far I like it just as much as the first season!

I saw a bald eagle on my way to catsit for my friend! It was maybe ten minutes from my home - how cool is that?

Her critters are tended, and I’m back home being thoroughly sniffed by a very unamused Monkey.

They asked me to cover for someone at irk just as I was leaving. I declined, citing housesitting duties. Debated checking back in with them, to see if they still need coverage, but I’m feeling the strong pull of an afternoon nap calling my name.

Currently warming up with some soup.

I see then frequently around one of the Amish farms I pass - it never gets old, whether they’re flying or eating something dead in the field…

Laundry is done. FCD is snoozing. I’m finishing some clam chowder - canned, but not terrible. The snow stopped, but it’s started again. Not heavy and not sticking. Still ick outside.

The Aldi where I shop is expanding. They put in a new, bigger parking lot on one side, and the store is now expanding into the old lot. I’m glad - it was a smaller store, and it didn’t take much for it to be too crowded. So yay!

Guess it’s time to read some more.

Moommm Thank you for the pictures and lesson about splicing. It’s interesting to learn about.

What are cackleberries?

Nothing much to report. Hugs to all. Happy Saturday!

Ok, I’m duly impressed.