The Top Witches

What? No love for Queen Grimhilde*, the Wicked Queen/Evil Stepmother of Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarves 91937)? She scared the hell out of little kids in the 1930s (in the 1980s they still had signs on the Seven Dwarves Mine Ride at Disneyland warning little children about the scary witch). But to adult guys, in her Queen persona she was sexy as hell. It wasn’t until I finally saw Merian C. Cooper’s version of She (1934) that I realized that Disney ripped off his Evil Queen from Cooper’s incarnation of H. Rider Haggard’s sexy Evil Queen.

She even threatened to change the image of the Wicked Witch of the West in MGM’s Wizard of Oz. There exist stills of a “beautiful” witch in that role, done as a test clearly influenced by Disneyt’s first feature cartoon (and in sharp distinction to L. Frank Baum’s original book and its illustrations). Fortunately, wiser heads prevailed, and we got Margaret Hamilton in green makeup. If we hadn’t, we wouldn’t have Wicked today.

In support of the similarity betwen Snow White’s Evil Queen and Ayesha from She:

Evil Queen:

Helen Gahagan as She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed (Ayesha) from She:

Discarded Beautiful Witch idea not used in The Wizard of Oz.

Notice she still has that wraparound head thing. Evidently you can be evil and beautiful and a witch if they can’t see your hair. Kinda like nuns.

Granny Weatherwax, of course, but also Nanny Ogg.

Frau Totenkinder, the Queen from Snow White, Mombi

For pure witch power, this is the answer. Just by twitching her nose she could alter time, space, reality, matter, etc., and have dinner ready for when Darren’s boss dropped by unexpectedly for dinner.

Nitpick: Samantha’s cousin was named Serena, not Sabrina.

Speaking of Bewitched, if we can count “warlocks” from that show, I always had a fondness for Dr. Bombay, played by the delightful Bernard Fox.

Almost, but not quite, the same as the Wicked Witch of the West, there’s also Elphaba Thropp from Wicked.

This thread has been an eyeopener for me. I need to read the Discworld novels.

I agree with everyone’s choices; witches are fun (and sometimes hot, i.e. Samantha / Serena). Speaking of fun and hot, I don’t think anyone mentioned Gillian Holroyd.
And, though he is actually a wizard, I know there is much love for Snape (RIP Mr. Rickman; we’ll miss you :frowning: )


Whether Isaac was himself a witch was something he never ever tired of arguing around the campfire…but he was, without a doubt, in the top 10 (heck, probably top 3) people most influential on modern witchcraft, so he gets an honorary broom, at least. :wink:

Samantha’s sister Serena.

Mother Waterhouse (OK. Maybe I cheated)

Aleister Crowley

I’ll throw in Queen Bavmorda from Willow.

I approve this remark.
I have a Discworld art book where Pratchett himself described Nanny as 'Probably more powerful than Granny, but smart enough not to show it." At any rate, you can’t really separate them. I love Nanny. :slight_smile:

Really? We wouldn’t have guessed.

Didn’t Conan get it on with a succulent witch in the first Conan film?


Thinking out of the box, let’s not forget Witch-ay Woman!

Witchiepoo had the best ride.

Nitpick - It’s Dr. Mumbai.

Ahhh; Wit CHAY Woman. As long as we’re outside the box, there’s <twirling> Rhiannon. I heard somewhere it’s about a Welsh witch.

Thinking outside the tent, there’s the Blair Witch, who is quite a bad ass.

Wait, two pages and nobody’s thought about the Original Big Three stirring up their eye of newt and toe of frog? Well, none of you blame me if you find yourself getting stabbed by a C-section baby.