The tree of liberty needs to be watered with the blood of school children

Except that Israelis know that it’s government, military, police et al are generally doing their utmost to prevent the next suicide bombing, and that at some point the bad period we’re living through is going to end.

Why would you this time, when you didn’t last time?

Unless you don’t *remember *the first time…I hear that happens with people of a certain age.

Did you misspell that on purpose? Cause that’s your thing, right …mangling French phrases in order to shock schoolmarms, so that when you confess you did it on purpose they are charmed by your feistiness ?

So you just want online fights all the time? Because you’re “feisty?” btw, go back to using “whippersnapper” instead of “homes.” You can’t pull it off. It’s embarrassing to witness 69-year olds talking street.

I think the majority of people currently living weren’t alive in the sixties, but there’s a lot of things you’re ignorant of or are unwilling to learn, much more than an antiquated term such as “shan’t.”

So it’s inevitable and we just may as well accept mass slaughter, eh? So it does no good for liberals to brainwash students, so you don’t have to whine about that any more.

By the way, I set up a poll here and asked if any Dopers had experiences with educators who tried to influence their political thinking. You know, compiling actual data on which to base your opinions. Give it a read if you’re interested in learning something.

Somebody better alert the families in the neighborhood.

This broadcast from the Starving Artist cogniverse has been brought to you by promoters of complacent ignorance everywhere. We now return to the real world with some information about the actual responses of Utoya survivors and victims’ families to Breivik’s sentencing:

Jus’ being playful, something you wrongheaded liberal types can’t seem to get a handle on because the world isn’t perfect and you’re outraged.

Hmm…more ageism. I’m pretty sure Quincy Jones could and probably does say that without any problem whatsoever. So that makes you both an ageist bigot and a racist bigot. So, one step above Hitler, right? Maybe?

Oh, wait, I forgot, bigotry is okay against old white guys. Carry on. (Hard to keep track which of you guys’ hypocrisies gets a pass and which doesn’t.)

Anyway, you’d be surprised. They call me J-Dawg and Jimbo Slice at the local 7-11. (Albeit I’ve been warned that my cycling tights occasionally put my street cred in jeopardy. ;))

And yet there’s no shortage of such people around here who feel entitled to tell me exactly how it was. Which, since they’re the victims of historical revisionism with an agenda, bares scant resemblance to reality.

You guys just really don’t get playful, do ya?

Good grief! You’re still here? I thought you must have been fired for not knowing your job and got your electricity turned off.

Yeah, we’re mostly only hearing from students who are gun control advocates too. Doesn’t mean there isn’t a sizable percentage who disagree. Sorry, but I just find it really hard to believe that the families of the 80 people that asshole killed are so brainwashed as to bear their loved ones’ killer no ill will and are happy he gets to spend the next twenty or so years in prison (or in what to you and me would be a hotel). Next you’ll be telling me they’re not only opposed to additional time but are lobbying for early release.

Liberals! Bizzarro World doesn’t begin to describe it!

When God was passing out jokes, you thought he said tokes, and said, “I’m not no God-forsaken evil Communist hippie pothead that wants to ruin the world, so NO THANK YOU!”

To which he replied, “Chill man, have a blunt.”

Actually, one of the pro-gun proponents has been in the news for the last couple days - because he lied.

Your ranting shitshow is funny in the same way as Trump’s tweetstorms - an interesting look into the cognitive dissonance of an old man and obvious proof that just because you CAN speak, there’s no need to prove yourself the fool to everyone.

Just because Norwegians in general love their country more than they hate a mass murderer doesn’t mean that they like the mass murderer, or that they want other people to be endangered by him in the future. Nope, no Norwegians (except perhaps some in Norway’s white-nationalist minority who actually admire and support Breivik) are advocating for ever letting Breivik out of prison.

I get it that you personally don’t understand the concept of there being any middle ground between bloodthirstily obsessing with vindictive hatred over one’s enemies and suicidally complying with all the wishes of one’s enemies. But that is just one of the many ways in which the real world is more complex and more interesting than the Starving Artist cogniverse.

Ooh, ooh, in all the bullshit since, I almost forgot the original question.

Why is it again that Breivik wasn’t counseled or mentored out of massacring people in such a marvelously liberal country? According to Snowboarder Bo that’s all it would have taken, and we here in the U.S. - the lowest of the low, btw - could have gazed upon the horizon and seen and marveled at the superiority of the liberal way.

But that didn’t happen, did it? One is only left to ponder the reasons why, foremost of which is: the idea is airheaded bullshit! People who are crackpots might force themselves to sit through counseling and ‘mentoring’ sessions in order to avoid whatever negative consequence may follow if they don’t, but they’ll be sneering and laughing on the inside and mentally rolling their eyes at your efforts to set them on the straight and narrow. Some people are just inherently evil and others become that way through life experience, but either way they’re not going to be counseled and mentored out of it anymore than one can be counseled and mentored out of depression or schizophrenia.

Once again, the problem here is the discrepancy between the Starving Artist version of reality and the actual reality. Nowhere did Snowboarder Bo claim that counseling or mentoring is “all it would have taken” to prevent the attacks. All he said was that “some counseling or mentoring might have been found to help guide him” (emphasis added).

Nobody knows whether counseling or mentoring could in fact have prevented Cruz’s attacks, and we’ll never know now. But nobody is asserting that “that’s all it would have taken”.

Nobody here is disagreeing that counseling and mentoring are insufficient to deter deliberate evil, and nobody here ever claimed otherwise.

Didn’t you just get corrected for altering material in quote tags? Here you are at it again.

If you’d stop being distracted by thoughts of lining up 100 ten year old boys to talk to them about anal sex, you might seem less like you are sundowning all the time.

CMC fnord!
There is an inverse relationship between the time it takes to construct a post and the degree to which it contributes to a discussion.
Hentor the Barbarian’sRule of Post Composition

It’s now being reported that airlines and other companies are cutting any special ties with the NRA such as offering discounted fares for members flying to attend meetings. They’re also demanding the removal of company information from the NRA’s website. It would be nice if this were the beginnings of a backlash that gains momentum.

Was that the guy who was too bone-stoopid to scrub the “Moscow, Russia” tag from one of his messages, or is this a different one?

And here once again you demonstrate your characteristic inability to understand the rules, a problem you’ve had in your own profession and corrected upon by me no less, a civilian. Changing user names is allowed in the Pit, as you should well know as I’ve been addressing you with appropriately wimpy names and primarily the Librarian one for going on fifteen years now. You even chided Spice Weasel once for inadvertently addressing you that way herself. Remember? Hmm? So nice try but no cigar, you dishonest sack of shit.

Look at post #575, pedo.

Specifically, the reference to this ATMB thread:

So, while you can call somebody an insulting nickname in the Pit, you can’t replace their real username by an insulting nickname when quoting their own words.

Pot, kettle.