The Trump Administration: A Clusterfuck in the Making Part Deux (Part 1)

He is still sitting on a toilet in a Frankfort bar, crying.

The real clusterfuck are the conditions–created by the Republican party–which made Trump possible. Trump came along as a mascot for those conditions: a jackass putting on a new costume every day, going on stage, and performing for the suckers, so that they could make themselves believe whatever bullshit spewed from his mouth. The mascot may be officially gone, but the party will do whatever it can to keep the show going. Maybe they’ll get a new mascot. Maybe the old mascot will continue in exile–who knows.

Photo of Trump when Trump saw the election results

Photo of Trump when Trump saw the election results

the bigger they are
the harder they fall



Still trying to figure out how to link something without forcing a download.

One final TG post here -

Fried Green Clusterfucks
The Clusterfucks of Madison County
You’ve Got Clusterfucks
Citizen Clusterfuck
The Unbearable Lightness of a Clusterfuck

Ah, the new covfefe. Thanks.

Santa Claus Conquers the Clusterfuck!

“Clusterfuck 2: The Search for Trump’s Gold”

Oh, it all becomes clear now. Trump was ahead of us all. He just misspelled covid as covfefe. He was warning us way back then.

At least all of mine were actual sequels.

I love the T-shirt (and the idea), but I never wear either of the two available colors. Sad.

Me, I have Gritty issues.

Well, that, too!

Farewell to Trump video

ClusterFuck 2: Trump goes to Bowling Green

Somehow, I hear Samuel, “Say ‘hoax’ one more time, clusterfucker!

Not sure where else to put this.

There are at least three “Pro-Trump” stores in the area.

I passed one of them today. It was open, with the inflatable Trump that has two thumbs up and a big, un-Trumpian smile on its face prominently displayed out front.

This is beautiful!

More fun on the horizon. Turns out we were right to be a little skeptical about any vaccine coming out of the Trump Cabal’s efforts.

Grifters gonna grift and crimers gonna crime.