The Trump Administration: A Clusterfuck in the Making Part Deux (Part 1)

Wow. That is wrong in a dozen different ways.

Trump can also claim that he has the authority to be a “My Little Pony” for the day.

He can claim most anything.

Nearly all election procedures are governed on a state-by-state basis, with the remainder set by Congress or enshrined in the Constitution. There is no precedent or apparent authority for Trump to try to curtail the use of mail-in ballots by executive order, though he could use a document to formalize his opposition to the practice.

In other words, Trump is free to sign a document saying “I don’t like this”

From Snoboarder Bo’s AP News link:

Classic “we’ll see what happens” trump-trope to allow himself a bit of wiggle room for the eventual back-pedal.

The problem here is that Democracy is a very fragile thing. If enough people in power decide true Democracy is no longer in their best interest then they can bend institutions to their will.

If the Republican controlled Senate goes along with trump on this, if the SCOTUS refuses to overrule him, if the military remains loyal to him because he won a rigged election, he remains president.

Nail-on-the-head times 1,000.

This is what no one is much talking about.

Republicans aren’t ignorant of the chaos they are creating by plunging the country into a depression with their choice to ignore all the financial hardship the citizenry now face. They know full well.

This is the moment they are making their play to convert the country into a Putin-style “democracy” ruled by wealthy oligarchs. If they don’t do it now, they may never have another chance.

They are going to fight to the death to cling to power.

If this is their plan, they will lose.

Why-will you fight to stop them? That is what it will take for it to be stopped.

Fucking fuck this guy. I’m watching Immigration Nation on Netflix, and it’s infuriating how fucked up this administration is. Then I snap to the fact that this was the fucked up shit they did 2 years ago. Back when they were only fucking over immigrants and handing huge tax cuts to big companies and rich assholes. Ahh to be back in the day.

Jump to now when thousands are dieing and millions out of work and he’s doing nothing. I hope he fucking

Trump says if Microsoft buys TikTok, a “substantial portion” of the purchase price should go to the US Treasury. Because America First. Or something.

Well then, OK. Gonna screw up my vacation plans a bit.

that remain a very big “if”

I suspect that Trump and his supporters will screw up mail voting so badly that people will attempt to vote by mail but realize that they can’t. Then they’ll try to vote, and perhaps a few will be confused enough to attempt voting by mail and in person just to make sure they get counted, and then…


Why? I would expect the military to say “It’s not our place to invalidate or argue election results. The official result it that Trump is the POTUS and we will serve him with honor”

There goes my manicure.

People in power making decisions is only half of it. The other half is whether other people will follow their orders.

I could decide to make myself King of America tomorrow. But my decision only matters if other people accept my authority and obey my royal decrees.

I don’t expect a full on French Revolution style take over of the government will ever happen in America. We are too fractured.

Emperor Norton had a pretty good run with it.

The Nazis fought to the death to cling to power. The result was we killed a lot of Nazis.

Mr. Trump should show his displeasure by refusing to campaign any further.

This is the “Trump claims authority to issue order on mail-in votes” article. Why doesn’t he just cut through all the intermediate bullshit and just declare himself President-for-Life right now? What, too obvious?