The Trump Administration: A Clusterfuck in the Making

That’s not really what I said, though; I literally said that I wanted this to be a disaster and that I wanted the healthcare system and the economy collapse (at a time when this appears to be actually happening, mind you).

I later tried to nuance that in my exchange with Monty, in which I basically clarified by saying that I want this to be bad enough so that people actually fucking learn something from it.

Understand something: it’s already bad, already a disaster. The question is whether it’s bad enough for us to learn any lessons. Are enough of the right people - the persuadable, reachable type - going to go from simply shrugging their shoulders and accepting Trump because "Woo! Hoo! we have more jobs and Amazon now pays $15 an hour…to actually having a Eureka moment and waking the fuck up about how bad conservative politics is and how it’s ruining our society.

Ideally, nobody would die; we would just be a curious enough lot to find enlightenment on our own. But I’ve watched over and over again as this country gets suckered by right wing lies and I don’t just blame the right wing propagandists - lying is what they do. I blame voters who either like the lies they’re being told or who are just otherwise indifferent. I want it to be bad enough to the point where we can actually benefit from this. There’s nothing really pathological about it.