The Trump Administration: A Clusterfuck in the Making

Great speech, Melania. By way of reference, here’s how W said it:

For eight years the Clinton-Gore administration has coasted through prosperity. The path of least resistance is always downhill. But America’s way is the rising road.

So many talents. So much charm. Such great skill…So much promise…Instead of seizing this moment, the Clinton-Gore Administration has squandered it.

Buried in the Republican Obamacare replacement bill is a gutting federal funding for childhood vaccinations that would be an unprecedented and dangerous attack on America’s kids to pay for tax cuts for the rich.

[A] proposed restructuring of Medicaid could affect Americans with autism and the people who care for them. Something like a quarter million austistic children are having their care threatened.

International respect. I think the women of the world would disagree, my friend.

That’s godless unpatriotic pierced-nose Volvo-driving France-loving left-wing communist latte-sucking sharia-enabling tofu-chomping holistic-wacko neurotic vegan weenie pervert to you, buddy!

So you’re saying that when Republicans claim they want to Make America Great Again, they mean they want to fuck everything up, on purpose, because shared prosperity is bad for us as a nation?

Yeah - that does sound like the sort of batshit bullshit a Republican would find appealing. A conservative Flavor Aid, of sorts. Sadly for you, most people on this board are too smart to swallow it.

So you agree on the peace, prosperity, fiscal discipline, and technological leadership; good to know.

And when the women of the world elect you to speak for them, I’ll be sure to start listening.

That’s it. I’m signing off for now. This place is an ultraliberal fever swamp

Don’t forget your tackle box.

Never thought I’d see a wingnut who makes adaher seem like a Rhodes Scholar.

You keep on using that word. I do not think that means what you think that means.

I can only hope.

That’s very insensitive of you. Rhodes was an unrepentant racist. Please use the Central Committee-approved term, “brain surgeon”.

A revolutionized American economy and budget surpluses as far as the eye could see.

Unfortunately, America was pretty short-sighted and elected Bush, who turned a great economy into two recessions.

Why does the party of rugged individualism all sound alike is what I’d like to know

That’s how general practice works in the UK too.

ALEC talking point memos. Read religiously.

The great red zone of Middle America, the South, and the Rust Belt that voted from Trump is clearly ready for the great, coming economic growth after 8 years of slow growth and low home ownership rates, the lowest in 51 years in fact. The decadent, ultraliberal left in its enclaves on the coasts is not dead; they may very well mount s fifth column and make common cause with the Islamists.

Who are you calluping “decedent?”

Decadent, not decedent

According to Mike Flynn, he was working for Turkey. While not at exactly the same time he was officially working for Trump, the two tenures were very, very close.
Apparently, “drain the swamp” didn’t specify clearly enough what it was to be refilled with.