The Trump Administration: A Clusterfuck in the Making

Nuts. Now we wont have ckalli1998 to kick around anymore.


Because the Republican Party literally sends out an email every day to its activists and party members with that day’s talking points.

Plagiarism is a bannable offense (disregard if you are in fact Mr. Sullivan).

If liberals are making common cause with Islamists, why do *you *sound so much like Baghdad Bob?

You’re aware that the coasts are part of the United States, right? And we’re sorry that Obama didn’t fix George W. Bush’s broken economy fast enough for you.

What exactly will it take to be in this “fifth column” of which you speak; is voting for a Democrat enough?

Don’t ask him; he didn’t write it. Andrew Sullivan did.

If you think this is “ultraliberal,” you really need to get out in the world.

You said you were leaving. Why didn’t you leave? Why are you a lying liar that lies?

Are you The Donald?

Have any thoughts of your own, plagiarist?

Maybe its Melina Trump?

Maybe he’s referring to Ultraliberal, Ultraman’s Canadian cousin.

Try copy-pasting more George W. speeches, you fucking plagiarizing muppet.

I just had 2 fortune cookies that said the same thing! We must get them from the same supplier, CRAZY!

Yes, blame George W. Bush, that is very original, instead of, you know, the greedy Wall Street executives and amoral subprime loan officials that caused the recession.

And it’s not like Mr. Obama exacerbated the problem by passing a multibillion dollar stimulus program down the throats of the American people that was chock-full of infamous, wasteful pork measures like Solyndra, which costs the taxpayers a whopping $780 million in full, as well as other blatant saps to environmental zealots that costs taxpayers $2.2 billion in full, ultimately giving taxpayers a net negative return on their investments–oh wait, yes he did.

You can blame Bush all you want, but Obama was President for the least eight years, the first six of which he had a Democratic Senate, the first two of which he had a Democratic House (and Senate, his party controlled both houses his first two years).

And he’s left behind 90+ million Americans not working in the labor force, not a single year of 3% GDP growth, the decline of the coal industry with burdensome, unnecessary regulations, and the lowest home ownership rate in 51 years.

You want to blame Republican obstruction? Nonsense. When Reagan was in power, the Democrats controlled the House for all eight years of his Presidency, as well as in the last two years. Yet he oversaw an economic boom, a boom so high that for some years the economy was creating 200K jobs per month (very impressive in the 80s era). Reagan oversaw that prosperity because he passed policies that helped the economy, and knew how to work with the opposition. Obama did not pass policies that helped the economy overall, and he didn’t know how to work with Republicans at all (his idea of negotiating was insisting on very liberal measures that he knew the conservatives in Congress would oppose, and saying “it’s my way or the highway”.)


Bye, Felicia!

Back now. Needed a little time to cool off. I’m cooled.

My (few posts above this) post was made before I read this whole page, and therefore didn’t realize the quoted person was a plagiarizing rat bastard. The fortune cookie thing must have been coincidence.

Talking point regurgitating mindless troll. You wouldn’t know an original thought if it stuck its dick in your ear and fuck-started your brain.

You need not have bothered. Run along now. Fuck off.

What’s the matter, QuickSilver? You’re not addressing my points at hand (and there are a lot of them), and are instead engaging in ad hominen attacks on me, because you know you can’t win.

Oh, and DC > Marvel

Good choice. You don’t seem to have the slightest idea how to present ideas in a rational way. You’re kind of all over the map. Amusing to watch, however.

There are actually a few brave, articulate conservatives here in the swamp. I noticed that none of them jumped on your bandwagon.