The Trump Administration: A Clusterfuck in the Making

You, Sir, have just set a new standard for “SMACKDOWN”.

To paraphrase Stephen Colbert, doesn’t this mean 62% approve of the job he’s not doing? Winning so bigly, he must be getting tired.

Trump was right when he urged Obama to stay out of Syria. He’s wrong about most other things.

They say imitation is the sincerest for of sycophancy.

Y’know, ISTM the “in the Making” part of the thread title is fast becoming superfluous.

You can’t go by his words, you have to go by what was in his heart. And in his heart his was right then and he’s right now.

What makes you think that’s not Okie’s starting position?

As the creator of this thread, I was just thinking that the other day myself. :dubious:

Gosh. I didn’t even realize he had a heart.

He doesn’t. The only organs he has are skin and eyes. Internally, it’s nothing but untreated sewage

Trump 2017 shouldn’t be held accountable for what Trump 2013 tweeted. Heck, Trump Wednesday morning shouldn’t be held accountable for what Tuesday night Trump tweeted.

Every day, like a pheonix, a new Trump arises from the ashes of the old Trump. Reborn with none of the baggage of any of the things his previous incarnation said or did. This is how he can get away with saying things like he never promised he would repeal Obamacare quickly.

How’s that plan to defeat ISIS coming along? Has Trump told the generals what to do, since he’s smarter than them, or has he demanded that the generals come up with an amazing plan, since they’re really smart?

I think that Trump honestly thought that Obama was deliberately keeping ISIS going by not allowing a simple plan from the military to be put into place. I really do think that Trump thinks that every solution is simple, and only needs a Strong Man Leader to Tell People What To Do.

Bannon is out!

Out of the NSC. That’s a decent start.

Dark Phoenix Trump? It would explain the hair.

There are more frequent reorganizations in this cabinet than of the deck chairs on the RMS Titanic, and the ship of state is being piloted with the same degree of deft navigation as that fine vessel, with Trump on the bowsprit shouting, “I’m king of the world!”

I sincerely hope this has ruined the film by association for everyone involved.


I thought bannon was only on it because cheeto didn’t read his own executive order putting him there.

Getting Bannon out is a start. Sending him to Fort Leavenworth would be a good finish.

Eh, any poststructutalist social scientist can tell you it’s all about process. Becoming, not being. Even a fully formed clusterfuck is in a constant state of renewal, of evolution, of emergence, of reproduction…yes, in the making.

Leavenworth is a prison, Republicans don’t go to prison. They go to Club Fed, where the most onerous burden is a chef who cannot make a decent white sauce.

Nah, prison is too good for him. I have a better idea; let’s evacuate Gary, Indiana and built a fifty foot high containment wall around it…
