The Trump Administration: A Clusterfuck in the Making

Trump buddy Roger Stone is accusing Jared Kushner of passing on fake news about the Trump administration.
Roger Stone claims Kushner is leaking info on Bannon to MSNBC | Washington Examiner!

Rick? The Washington Examiner? We talked about this, yes?

There were several different cites, but I didn’t think Raw Story would be a good source.

“Diplomatic conflict” - strongly worded condemnations of each other, cooling of relations, propaganda wars, UN resolutions.

“Something” that Obama could have done is military assault on Assad forces that were involved in chemical attacks or declaring a no-fly zone over Syria. Stuff that Trump physically cannot do today, due to heavy Russian military presence in Syria.

But Putin is his buddy! He’ll understand.

I am thinking of trying my hand at some animation and thought this might be a good thread to ask for a suggestions. It would be along the lines of
Bannon Bannon Bannon Bannon
Bannon Bannon Bannon Bannon
Mushroom Mushroom

and so forth. I know what I want to use for the Mushroom, but the third thing, who would have the best impact?


Wrong meter. Try “nuke”.

Who says Trump hasn’t distinguished himself in any way? (My bold.)

“President Trump’s Record-Low Approval Rating Continues to Slide”

WTG, Mr. President!

No thanks to getting my friends killed for nothing, and making the situation worse. Foreign troops in the middle east just gives everyone the same target. It would have made things worse, not better.

You’ll say anything to excuse Trump’s inaction, won’t you?

Why can’t Trump ask Putin for permission?


They are both low down, grass crawling, forked tongue sneks. But I think Pence is the scarier of the two. Trump is just loathsome.

Hey Okie, can you guess who made the following tweets?
Obama wants to unilaterally put a no-fly zone in Syria to protect Al Qaeda Islamists The Daily Beast Syria is NOT our problem.
11:58 AM - 29 May 2013

We should stay the hell out of Syria, the “rebels” are just as bad as the current regime. WHAT WILL WE GET FOR OUR LIVES AND $ BILLIONS?ZERO
5:33 PM - 15 Jun 2013

What will we get for bombing Syria besides more debt and a possible long term conflict? Obama needs Congressional approval.
11:14 AM - 29 Aug 2013

If Obama attacks Syria and innocent civilians are hurt and killed, he and the U.S. will look very bad!
12:26 PM - 30 Aug 2013

How would you treat the Syria situation if president ?" I’d let them all fight with each other-focus on US!
4:09 AM - 1 Sep 2013

If the U.S. attacks Syria and hits the wrong targets, killing civilians, there will be worldwide hell to pay. Stay away and fix broken U.S.
6:55 PM - 2 Sep 2013

@BigSexyBDAvis: @realDonaldTrump mr trump would attack Syria or no?” No, lets make our country great again as they fight their war!
6:45 PM - 3 Sep 2013

What I am saying is stay out of Syria.
7:00 PM - 3 Sep 2013

The only reason President Obama wants to attack Syria is to save face over his very dumb RED LINE statement. Do NOT attack Syria,fix U.S.A.
4:13 AM - 5 Sep 2013

6:20 AM - 5 Sep 2013

President Obama, do not attack Syria. There is no upside and tremendous downside. Save your “powder” for another (and more important) day!
6:21 AM - 7 Sep 2013

Don’t attack Syria - an attack that will bring nothing but trouble for the U.S. Focus on making our country strong and great again!
4:59 AM - 9 Sep 2013

Obama must now start focusing on OUR COUNTRY, jobs, healthcare and all of our many problems. Forget Syria and make America great again!
6:19 AM - 11 Sep 2013

We should stop talking, stay out of Syria and other countries that hate us, rebuild our own country and make it strong and great again-USA!
10:29 PM - 12 Sep 2013

I seem to recall that Obama asked Congress for permission to strike Assad. When did the Republican-led House vote on it? Oh, that’s right, never. What’s next, Republicans whining that Obama didn’t put Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court?

Honestly that wouldn’t surprise me.

Also, it was very funny. Thanks for giving me something to laugh to on waking up. :slight_smile:

A slap-down this brutal might count as a felony.

It’s pathetic that you’re trying to excuse Obama’s inaction at the time when he actually could do something about it by Trump’s tweets. Unless you think it was Trump’s tweets that prevented Obama from doing anything?

You’re contorting so hard to defend your guy that you’re going to end up with your head tucked up your ass, suffocating to death. Please stay safe: It’s dangerous out there defending an incompetent.

Obama actually followed Trump’s advice to not attack Syria (which was, very rarely, actually good advice). And now, with Obama out of power and Trump in power, you’re blaming Obama for doing so?

It’s very obvious that you’re contorting and interpreting everything in the most negative possible way for Obama, and most positive for Trump. Obama isn’t the devil and Trump isn’t Jesus.

So was Trump wrong then, or is he wrong now?