The Trump Administration: A Clusterfuck in the Making

FAKE NEWS!!! Shithole in Chief just tweeted to reassure us that John Kelly is staying put!

Thank you to General John Kelly, who is doing a fantastic job, and all of the Staff and others in the White House, for a job well done. Long hours and Fake reporting makes your job more difficult, but it is always great to WIN, and few have won more than us!

He’s a goner! :smiley:

Holy Cow! Wotta nutcase!

Did the guy have the voice of a prepubescent boy?

Trump, in his never-ending quest to destroy the environment, the nation, and the world, and to boost his oil and coal cronies, has imposed a 30% tariff on imported solar panels and equipment. Eugene Wilkie, of Now1 Solar, said this will cost the US solar industry 88,000 jobs. He is reporting that after his comments came out, his office staff have started getting death threats.

Interesting. But not surprising.

Meanwhile, Trump’s Justice Department and the Republicans are actively politicizing the criminal justice system.

Wait until they start politicizing the military.

Well, the less sun pollution the better, says I.

Really? I have heard that all of the doable parts are aftermarket add-ons. And not very well synthesized, either. I suspect the only hope for satisfaction from that job would be to involve Steely Dan III – if you are into that sort of thing.

I don’t think we have to wait

Lawyer and former investment banker Jerome Powell received a 84-13 vote as new head of Federal Reserve. Apparently he’s served on the board since 2012 and received several democratic votes, but:

President Flaming Shit-bag On Your Stoop, with extensive business holdings to benefit from lower interest rates, could be angling to unduly influence the Fed.

These recent political attacks against the FBI don’t phase me, for I am eagerly awaiting 2020 when there is a Democratic president, house and senate, and the immediate purge of agents who have ever voted for a Republican in the past will begin. That’s just how it works now.

Only 13 no votes. Do you know which Democrats approved him?

I didn’t know aything about this guy, but your post showing little Democratic opposition interested me. It looks like he has quite strong Democratic support. Again, I don’t know much about it, but when Trump really gets stupid I’m counting on Democrats to oppose him.

In this case, it’s probably easier to list no votes…so these are the people who voted against him.


Blumenthal, Booker, Feinstein, Gillibrand, Harris, Markey, Merkley, Warren




Cruz, Lee, Paul, Rubio

Not Voting

Corker, McCain, Scott

But what if there isn’t a democratic president in 2021?

And in any case, it shouldn’t work that way. When Obama became president in 2009, nobody in the Democratic party demanded that he investigate FBI agents on the basis of party loyalty. The agency has become one of the premier law enforcement agencies on the planet in no small part by establishing its political independence, which Trump is now trying to destroy in plain view. The fact that the agency is confident enough to resist and defy him is a testament to the institutional strength that the bureau has developed since the early 1970s, but people have their breaking points. It’s a matter of time before top-level administration and agents begin leaving as a result of the pressure, just as they have in the Department of State and the Environmental Protection Agency. Institutions are only as strong as the people who serve in them. This is an extremely serious situation, one that I don’t think people fully appreciate.

That was actually a fairly textbook example, not much different than Cheney’s claim in 2007 that Democrats withholding funding for the Iraq war didn’t support the troops.

What I’m referring to is when Trump begins fomenting political activism among the active duty and making it an inhospitable environment for minorities, gays, women, the non-religious, and anyone who might be perceived as even politically moderate.

So, essentially, everyone running for President in 2020*, regardless of party. :wink:

(*Excepting President Very Stable Genius, of course.)

How will they determine who voted for who?

Well, obviously anyone wearing a conservative dark suit, white shirt, dark tie, and sunglasses is a republican!
Oh, wait…

Good point. Fuck it. Purge 'em all and we’ll just let the president staff the FBI with his toadies. I mean, that is the plan, isn’t it?