The ugliest cat I've ever seen.

He belongs to my husband’s parents. I wish I could get a picture, but he stays under the couch when company comes over. So, not only is he hideous, he’s also lacking in the personality department. When they adopted him, he was between kittenhood and adulthood, and we all thought he was going through an awkward stage… That was 3 years ago. He’s just as ugly but bigger.

I’ll try to describe him.
Short grey hair which looks sleek and glossy and actually pretty. His head, extra long neck and shoulders are all the same size. It looks like his face and ears are at the end of his neck with no head. His ears are at the very top of his head and too close together. Very long legs with tiny feet, but his body is just average cat size. His tail is a little shorter than average and has extra girth. Instead of a flat face, he has a short muzzle. His eyes are orange, which is common for grey cats, but looks odd with the dog-like muzzle. Instead of “meow” he says “aaargh” in a gravely voice. He has a slinky walk like an otter. He can stand on one side of a doorway and elongate his neck around the doorframe into the other room, this is very startling if you happen to be the thing he’s looking at.
My MIL and FIL think he’s the most beautiful and sweetest cat in the world. So I guess it’s okay for him to stay there until his home planet sends somebody down to pick him up.

Share your ugly cat sightings.

You realize of course you’re not going to get a pass on the picture thing just because he’s a fraidy cat. :wink:

Is he uglier than this?

yeah. ask the ILs for a pic of the kitty.

I haven’t seen any super scary ugly kitties, but the hairless ones give me the willies

I’d have to say it was that picture of the ragdoll kitten born with such severe birth defects it had one giant eye, no nose, and looked like an albino cyclops monkey.

It was very sad, though.

I used to have a cat that I thought was ugly because she had a Hitler mustache on one side of her upper lip, a fat body & skinny legs and tail, and was just plain ornery. To make matters worse, my family decided to rename her Buford ("…I think you should shoot him instead."[/Country Bears])

My sil has a cat who lived in the wall until it moved into a closet. Giant fur mats the size of an extra head. All scraggly and the freaked out personality. She just pushes it away from the door with a broom and slides the food in. He sees no one. He likes no one. He’s hated by the other cats. He totally needs a dirt nap.

It’s the cat from Pet Semetary. :eek:

Well there’s Pyewacket (scroll down for pictures). I did not actually see this cat. I found him when trying to prove to my kid that there were such a thing as hairless cats, and why that is a Bad Thing.

I have never seen such an ugly cat. I hope he has a wonderful personality to make up for it.

I did have a friend whose cat had some sort of congenital defect with his front legs, so that every time he took a step his shoulder blade went way up, and his body kind of went down–like he was short of a few ligaments to hold his shoulder together. However, when not walking or running, the cat looked fine. He could also pounce the same way as any normal cat, that is to say when he used both legs together he looked normal; it was only when alternating paws that the weirdness appeared.

Now see, I would have named that cat Gollum, not Pyewacket.

Damn, now I want two hairless cats to name Gollum and Smeagol.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

That is one ***SCARRRRRRRRRRY ** * KITTY!!!

I want!!!

He looks like he should live with that world’s ugliest dog that recently died (the Mexican Hairless, I forget his name).

Well, if you want scary cats… go to the experts.

Geez, did someone open the Ark of the Covenant?

A few years ago I was fostering a pregnant cat for a friend. She had a kitten with a severe cleft palate extending up to one eye should have been and one huge, red fish eye on the other side. It was very not pretty to see, and I felt terrible when she died.

BillTheCat was named after the character in the Bloom County comic strip. I bottle-raised his sister (who was solid black and quite lovely) and him when they were abandoned by their mom.

Bill was the ugliest kitten I have ever seen in my life. I think all kittens are cute, but Bill was the exception. He’s a black and white tuxedo, who as a kitten had little bitty tiny thin legs, with a potbelly so big you could see the white skin though the black fur. He was bug-eyed, and his ears looked like they belonged to a bat. When he was weaned, his sister was adopted but Mr. SCL insisted we keep Bill, because he was too ugly to ever get adopted.

He has matured into quite an attractive cat. I noticed the other day, however, that if you look down on him from above, he is round. Round is not a natural shape for cats.

Oh! Oh! He’s adorable!

I want him!
