Okay… the conversation started with the comment… “I think the Alien (Alien) could take out The Predator (Predator)”.
Then we figured that The Thing (The Thing) could take The Alien.
After that we decided that The Pods (Invasion of the Body Snatchers) could take The Thing.

Were we wrong?

which invasion of the body snatchers? theres 3.
are we bringing whats happened in the comics into it as well?predators hunt aliens (off aliens) for sport. they can take them easy most of the time.

Body Snatchers 1 (50’s) or 2 (70’s).
As for Preditor vs. Alien… just your general feeling. Specific comic book / video game references just reflect the prejudices of the authors.
The Thing; 80’s.

The Thing can take the Aliens unless their biochemistry is too different for it to assimilate and copy. The Predators are an advanced space-faring race and could probably tell a Thing copy from an original with their technology.

The Thing probably would have a hard time with aliens biochemistry. As you can see from the Kurt Russel film and the PC/PS2 game they have blood or fluids at least similar enough to ours to be drawn into a syringe and not caustic at all. Also they are apparently 100% organic.

The Alien was desigend as biomechanical by Giger and the acid blood has been shown to be able to eat through even silicate glass. The body snatchers don’t have a chance as the Aleins also have a seeming hive mind ability to communicate and so their camoflage ability is worthless, just as the Things similar ability is worthless.

The ultimate alien would be if an Alien face hugger got itself on to either a Kzin warrior or a Predator and adapted to that genetic structure.

That having been said technology always ends up beating the baddies who do not have guns. The ones that do have guns can be defeated by Arnold or Danny Glover.

whats a kzin warrior?

(incoming flame for my sci fi ignorance)

the Kzin are a race of bipedal humanoid felines standing about 8-11 feet tall and weighning in at about 500-700lbs. They have retractable claws, catlike agility, fangs.

Basically like a Siberian tiger on two legs and with a human-level intelligence.

They were created by Larry Niven and are limited to his (or books he authorized) and one episode of Star Trek the Animates Series in an episode based on a Niven story (“The Soft Weapon”).

Umm…there seem to be a lot of misconceptions about the Thing. It mimics it’s victims on a cellular level, for one thing. So, if one is the size of an alien, and has at any point gotten a sample of it’s DNA, it can create an exact copy of it. As a dog, it’s difference was completely unnoticeable to the other dogs in the shed until it started to hiss and mutate. I’m guessing that if dogs can’t tell it’s a fake, then aliens wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between a Thing copycat and an original, seeing as how they most likely base all their observations on smell as well, which the Thing would be able to duplicate exactly.

As for Zen 101’s observation, the beings in the movie and the game have fluids in them because they duplicated creatures with a circulatory system. If you note, according to the movie (and the book it was based off of), each blood cell is an individual being for the most part. It’s simply been designated/chosen to take up that particular form to help the creature be more like whatever it is it’s copying. If enough blood is removed, and the creature feels it’s in danger, a pint of blood can turn into a snake or small animal and get away. That new animal would have a completely new circulatory system, complete with blood and other fluids (venom, lymph, bile, etc…).

Also, the thing can infect a creature and take it over from the inside out in time. If the Thing tosses spores or something on an alien, it can assimilate the skin, then move into the veins, and duplicate every aspect of the creature necessary to survive with the caustic blood. Now, it’s ability to duplicate the blood, that could be questionable, but even if it couldn’t, it could simply stick to controling the circulatory system itself, and the alien would never know it was infected and being taken over until it was too late.

Due to it’s perfect duplicating abilities, I’m pretty sure it would also seem completely normal to most scans done by any of the predators’ equipment, especially if it’s simply checking body heat.

Overall, the Thing is the ultimate alien. Even if it’s blasted to bits, if those bits aren’t electrocuted or burnt to a crips, they’ll either reform, or go their separate ways and find food elsewhere, which makes it even more deadly.

But I think the Blob could handle all of them.

You assume that a birthed alien derives its genetic structure from its host?

No, no, no. It’s like a digger wasp. It just uses the host for a safe place to gestate and for food. An alien from a wallabee would be as dangerous as an alien from Godzilla.

Now, there’s an interesting picture. Fifteen or twenty alien queens bursting out of Godzilla full grown… Even a prepared Batman would get a big bat stain from that.

Of course, the face hugger could never get past the radioactive death-ray breath. Perhaps if the face hugger went for the other end of the alimentary canal…

No. Ass hugger just doesn’t sound right. :eek:

the alien does derive its genetic structure and form from the host. as in alien 3 when it gestates in a dog, and looks and moves like a dog/alien thing that can run across ceilings. they made a big thing of this when the film came out, if i remember right.(and like other threads, i dont want to hear that 3 & 4 dont exist etc)
similarly,and i know were not including comics here but indulge me. in either the batman or superman VS alien comics, one gestated in a big old alligator, and took on similar characteristics to its host: size, form etc.
as for the argument, i say we nuke the site from orbit. its the only way to be sure.

Also, in the first Aliens vs. Predator comics, a predator was infected. I think they killed it before the alien could be born, though. Plus, you can’t forget those wonderful toys they had come out a few years back, where every figure came with a comic talking about their interraction with the new breeds of aliens. Each planet they went to had a different alien species that, when impregnated, gave birth to a new type of alien. There was the gorilla alien, the scorpion alien, the bull alien, the snake alien, and a whole slew of others. I got the gorilla one…it could spit water.

okay, first of all I think there is a bit of a misconception about predator technology. When they go on a hunt they deliberately use a lot of lower-tech weapons than they arecapable of building that require a lot of skill to use and make sure the prey has at least some chance like a lot of people do when they hunt deer. When the people they were hunting were unarmed or weakened the predator discarded some of it’s gear to make things more fair. A species cabable of interstellar flight is perfectly capable of making sensor devices that scan for other things besides infrared. The Thing was never shown to mimic anything other than a mammal so we don’t know the extent of it’s abilities (the bug-like critter it turned into at one point was a human head with long fingers sticking out the sides) The fact that the dogs didn’t react only means that whatever chemical differences there were in the thing weren’t smellable to the dogs.

Also people seem to think that the Alien specis is technologically inept. Now for whatever reason the film and comic sereis seems to have taken that path later on as well, but if you look to the first movie you can see that they have a great deal of technology.

The Aliens are found in a giant space ship. On that space ship you see an Alien inside a chair designed for it’s very particular body type. This is not a case of them taking over another specis ship, although if they had that would still show a high degree of intelligence, this is a case of them having built the ship itself for their own needs.

The Alien specis is certainly more intelligent than dogs and according to my RPG guide there is some evidence to suggest they have a hive mind or something akin to that which enables them to communicate telepathically. Dogs may not be able The Thing, but Aliens almost certainly could. Plus as noted if The Thing got into their blood stream, the Aliens caustic blood would destroy them.

As a matter of opinion I feel that against The Thing a lack of technology works to The Aliens advantage. If it came down to pure physical battle the Aleins would swarm the Thing and any of them to be injured by The Thing would bleed out on to The Thing damaging and eventually destroying it. Even if The Thing tried not to harm the Aliens other Aliens have demonstrated a willingness to bleed themselves to accomplish goals (ala Aliens 4) that their blood is required for.


If the Aliens specis is biomechanical, which is almost certain. Then it is also likely that they were engineered by some other specis. I’d say whoever did that would be badass mofos. Although the Predator specis may have done it to create a “super prey”. I really don’t know much about the Predators.

Ummm…zen101, I think you’re horribly mistaken. The ship in Alien wasn’t developed by the aliens (I’m just going to call them Gigers from now on so we don’t get confused tossing the word “alien” around so much). the big form you see on the table is the corpse of a different alien species…one that picked up the aliens, happened to get infected, sent out the distress signal when it’s ship crashed, and died when (most likely) a queen burst out of his chest and laid eggs in the hull. That ship the crew found the eggs in was definitely not built by the Gigers. You mentioned you’ve read some of the books, check out Aliens: Book One, they give a description of the events that took place.

As for being bio-mechanical, that’s more Giger’s design, not an actual biological makeup. To my knowledge, there’s nothing shown to prove that they are anything BUT organic. Even if they are part mechanical, the organic compounds can be taken over by the Thing. And, although a pack of aliens would be able to tear a Thing apart, the unfortunate thing is, any of them that ingest or get little bits of it on them are subject to infection. Again, the Thing takes over its prey cell by cell…it infects a cell, takes it over, duplicates it exactly , and spreads.

As for the hive mentality, the book demonstrated it more, but the Thing is telepathic itself. It uses that ability to study its prey in advance so it knows how it thinks and gathers knowledge from its thoughts. And in the case of people who are slowly taken over, it’s even hinted that the Thing does such a good job in analysing its prey telepathically and copying it biologically, that it often times doesn’t know itself weather or not it’s anything BUT the original. Yeah, that bit’s really confusing; but there were plenty of people in the story who didn’t show they were Things until long after they’d been killed, and no one knew either until half a corpse would spring up and attack them. So, despite any hive mind mentality or Predator scanning equipment, I’m pretty sure a Thing would still be able to infiltrate and overwhelm either of these aliens. Plus, depending on how much it’s gotten around and what it’s surrounded by, the Thing could have an immense store of technological knowledge. Shit, the Think was able to build a space craft/antigravity unit out of spare helicopter and tractor parts, as well as a fusion generator. I have a feeling the Thing is still the tops here.

Ummm…no. Sorry, zen. The alien critter in that chair was not an Alien. It was a host–IIRC, it had the standard chest-buster hole in its torso, and the signal that drew the Nostromo there was a warning beacon. It set down on a lifeless world and set up a warning because it knew it was doomed and was trying to contain the threat.

Sluggy beat you to it. :smiley:

So, can the Alien take on a jar of pickles?

Heh. That’s pretty good.

Hmm. Is there any evidence given that the aliens (xenomorphs) are cellular organisms? I mean, given that they can pound through metal with only minor difficulties and grow really frigging quickly. I could see a tie if it is one Thing vs. one xenomorph, with xeno clawing Thing open, thing infecting/killing alien, and alien blood melting half-formed thing.

Look, it’s been pretty firmly established that almost nothing non-xenomorph can withstand xenomorph blood.

If by “few”, you mean about ten years, then I’ve got the gorilla one and the bull one.

Anyways, why can the scorpion one EXPLODE?

It doesn’t seem like a good power for a scorpion…

Remember, Aliens kill anything. If they want to make toast, they find a way to make toast while killing the Alien who’s making toast. So, A pack of aliens vs. the thing, it’s a tie, since after killing the alien, they’ll close all exits, and kill each other.

But that’s the whole point I’m trying to make…the Thing wouldn’t be non-xenomorph, it would be xenomorph, and thus, imune to the blood.