"The wine in the pop top can"

When I first moved to Rhode Island in 1983, the above sloganwas featured on bumper stickers. What I don’t remember is which wine advertised itself this way. Help?

Are you sure it wasn’t an “ad” for Heiney Wine? Where one of the proprieters was named Thor? (I can’t remember the other, his brother.) There was a syndicated humor schtick in the early 80s that was sold to quite a few DJs around the country. It was produced like normal advertising blurbs that they could insert into their programs as if it was just another ad. The wine was “sold” in cans and there were all sorts of heiney/can puns (and related silliness) throughout the ads.

Heiney Wine…:slight_smile:

I remember those. Very frigging funny.

tomndebb, yup, I’m sure. It was a Rhode Island wine. I even drank some, but it was forgettable (Q.E.D.).

“Life” is stranger than fiction.

Ah, Heiny wine! Smooth going down! Burns coming back up tho.

What? Don’t blame me, I didn’t make the stuff.