Meet Sarah the Movie Critic. See Sarah write a review.
Poor Sarah. Sarah is semi-literate. Sarah cannot compose a compound sentence. It is a bumpy road reading a Sarah review. It is hard to keep your focus. It is boring even in a very short space. It is highly repetitive. It is not fun.
Why would I mock poor Sarah, an idiot blogger in a world full of idiot bloggers?
Because Sarah is the movie critic blogger for ChicagoNow, and ChicagoNow is the blogging arm of the Chicago Tribune, and the Chicago Tribune was once the home of movie critic Gene Siskel, an elegant and highly literate writer.
You Internet Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you, Internet! God damn you all to hell!
Eek. Gene Siskel is turning over in his grave. (Actually, he and Roger Ebert are sitting together in that Big Balcony in the Sky giving Sarah a resounding “thumbs down.”)
In Sarah Takes On The Movies Sarah the Movie Critic is Sarah. ChicagoNow is the Website.
Sarah the Movie Critic lives in Chicago. She must review new movies like Captain America the Winter Soldier. Will she succeed? Will she fail? Will she review new movies?
I enjoy Sarah Takes On The Movies. The reviews are funny and don’t use too many words. The review comes out March 35th, 2014.
I don’t know who this person is, but that’s what I wonder. The review in the OP sounds like its mimicking the style of a fourth grade book report. (I’m not saying that as a slam. I seriously and literally mean it sounds like it’s trying to evoke the tone of a fourth grade book report.) I hope to Your Deity of Preference this is intentional.