The WTHeck did I volunteer for this? MMP

Smart dog! She’s trained you well. :smiley:

Well, that was fun. While retrieving my salad from the back of the overly crowded fridge, I knocked an almost-full can of coconut milk all over the floor (carpeted, of course) and partly on my shoe. So I got to clean up that mess, then leave a note apologizing. If the owner tracks me down, I’ll buy him/her another can of the gloop. I wish he/she had put it in tupperware instead of just opening the can and putting foil on top. :rolleyes:

I’m about to launch into my newest project of drawings from hell. I printed out all of the redlines, so now I need to make the revisions. Good times!!! But first, lunch.

Perhaps scopolamine is an ingredient…

Yeah, to hear me talk she is a *genius *amongst canines - but the truth *also *is, she really is pretty smart. She’s also a pretty good girl, so I let her get away some of the small things.

Mayhaps she got the recipe from Morticia Addams? :smiley:

How do all?

Up finally, caffinating and trying to get moving. Southeast Texas weather report high of 75f/24c T-storms in spots and humid, yep thats winter

Noone I shall try to be more considerate about my timing. Are you GMT+2 ? Still the sentiment remains the same. I often feel that I am on delta watch.

Happy Tuesday all


Sounds like the kind of winter I’m used to as well…

Yep. GMT+2; I can spell you if you get sleepy on your watch :slight_smile:

What’s “Delta Watch” anyway? something like an Omega watch, just not the Alpha and Omega of time-keeping…? Or is it more like Bay Watch? :wink:

I’m still hacking and sneezing and feel like hell. I have to go out today so I may as well get used to the idea and suck it up.
Yesterday was the one year anniversary of the HFH being here, damn looooooong 2-3 months. On the plus side my mother keeps reducing my rent to entice me to stay, but all that does is make me feel guilty for paying so little. She says now they are being nice and I am being mean, and I said no, you have it backwards, they are being nice because I am being mean. :smiley: My bil was right about one thing, it does feel a lot better to say what’s on your mind instead of holding it in. Well, feels better for me anyway :smiley:
My mother says I should pray for them to leave, I’d rather bury some fly bait under their carpet. <eg>

Apes, I think you are looking at it wrong, you’re not losing your job, you’re getting some time off to spend with your newborn. Jobs come and go, but time with your baby can never be replaced.

Khadaji dogs are way smarter than people give them credit. Cats may rule, but dogs worm their way into out hearts and even though we know we are being manipulated we let them do it anyway.

Did I miss anybody? Probably because I started typing this about an hour ago. Shit I got to make a phone call and just set the phone down and forgot already.

:::whining::: I want to go back to bed.

I need a job for the monies, otherwise I would not be working.

I’d start looking now if I were you.


I am :frowning:

A guy I used to work with was an MP US Army in the 70’s, and was stationed for awhile in the BRD aka West Germany. He guarded tactical nukes, as he explained it there are two basic watch systems determined by the base commander, three watches of eight hours or four watches of six. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta, Delta or Dog watch was Midnight to Six, the wee hours. He would make “Dog Watch coffee” very strong drip coffee with Kosher salt in it to keep from getting bitter, kinda gross but you get used to it. Late at night I tend to think of myself as on Delta watch because I am up and observing. Jack tells a great story about being on watch one night and a group ( IIRC Red Army Faktion ) tried to get onto the base, it was the only time he discharged his weapon in anger. He seemed to think it was a lot of fun. Strange guy


Howdy from da cave. Since I have to attend a [del]torture session[/del] meetin’ tonight I decided I deserved a little down time.

Do you know why they are called “dog watches”?

Home. We stopped by the counter place and signed a contract, plus some other stuff. Next step will be going to pick out our slab - maybe in a couple of weeks or so. And if all goes according to plan, installation will be complete during the second week of January. woohoo!

Looks like **FCD **is almost moving to Johnstown for a few months. He’ll be going up there 3-4 days a week for the next few months. ugh. I told him he needs to find a hotel that accepts pets… :wink:

I’s hongree. Supper will involve chicken.

That’s all I’ve got.

And are they related to Watch Dogs?

I’ve seen some watch dogs. They’re useless. They can’t tell time for @#$%.

And, the watch just slips off over their paw.

Mine can tell time. To them, it’s always time to eat.

No pray tell and would you grab me a chicken fajita sandwich from Sticky Fingerz as well I am hungry :stuck_out_tongue:

But seriously tell me about dog watches. Does it have something to do with dogs?
