The WTHeck did I volunteer for this? MMP

Irked, did laundry, washer tried to set itself on fire.:eek: Chatted with Hockey Lady:). She’s a little under the weather. :frowning:

mmmmm, pizza?

Feel better soon, sari.

Wow. Mid-life crisis? I think making Christmas happen may be a good thing not a bad thing. Show her you don’t need her to have Christmas, unless you are really upset and can’t imagine it without her. But I am the more vindictive type.

Another argument in favor of going ahead with Christmas: the remaining family need some happiness and normality to get through a rough time.

dogbutler, definitely have that washer fixed or replaced ASAP!

Did manage a little productivity, even if energy level’s a bit low. I couldn’t watch tonight’s “Hoarders”, since one of those profile hoarded cats. About a minute of sick, suffering cats and creepily preserved deceased cats and I couldn’t take any more (and I watched the “poop lady” episode with no trouble). OTOH, watching that show or participating in its Facebook page seems to give me an urge to do SOMETHING. Result: toilets and catbox have been cleaned (catbox was dumped and washed, will be refilled when dry), and the worst of the bird deposits have been removed from the cage. Earlier, I got about four pounds of ground beef into patty format, frozen, and packaged for storage.

Happy (I suspect) belated birthday, Jynx!

Excellent subject, Sari; I used to be a night person in my youth, but have morphed into a day person, early morning person really. laughs I am usually up by 5 am but have been known to get back into bed and sleep in until the un-heard-of hour of 8. Seriously, though, I used to love to stay up till all hours and have all sorts of fun. I think having children changed my body clock.

Hugs for Apes, sending good thoughts your way, and to anyone else who needs them.

Grocery store on Wednesday! I haven’t made the gingerbread yet, but will later on this week, I need to pick up some of the ingredients at the store. And no, Swampy, uh, to my knowledge, they do not have lesbians there. :wink: At least not available for gingerbread making!

Hope everyone has a good Tuesday. :slight_smile: Gosh, we’re on page 2 already!!

Just have to say, It is about 10 til 4, the city is beautiful. Barely a car can be heard, there is a soft aura around the street lights, it is quiet and damp. I can see stars through thin clouds and the silver maple across the street is swaying in a light breeze adorned in fall gold.

I live in Houston, in the inner part on Main street, possibly I love the night because it’s the only time I get peace and quiet.

Sleep well my Mumpers,


Sleep? At noon…? :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, I’d love to take a siesta, but it just isn’t in the cards. I don’t think people will react favorably to me putting my head down on my keyboard and snoring… :o

April, **Seanette **-- sorry to hear about your employment conundrums :frowning:

**Sahi **-- hope you feel better!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’. YAWN 'Tis 55 Amurrkin out and waaaaaay foggy with a predicted high of 79. Another warm day in south Jawja.

Feel better Sari!

flytrap bein’ as I am deep south, we’re prone to bringin’ a plate of fried chikin and a bowl of N.O.T. sallit. Those two things will cure a lot of ills.

To everybody else, yays, boos, hugs, noogies, wedgies, trouts, chitlins, how you doin’s as needed.

Time for more caffiene and to feed rumbly tummy. Then alas irk purtification must commence.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

Good morning and Happy Tuesday!! We had a gorgeous day yesterday, altho pretty much all I saw of it was my parking lot tryst with BBBobbio. Tell me again why I came out of retirement?? Today is going to be another nice one… at least I can look out a window and dream.

We got a good quote back on our new kitchen counters, so this afternoon or tomorrow, we’ll go to the shop, give them money, and sign a contract. And with luck, I’ll have new counters before my birthday. **FCD **wants to do them NOW but I’ve got too much to do before we leave for Florida and I’m not adding a torn-up kitchen to that mix. We can wait another month.

My MIL called last night and it turns out she’s not making any cookies this year, so daughter and I will do a bake-a-thon. I need to decide what kinds to make and be sure I have all the makin’s. :smiley: I’m also going to bake a cake for the pot luck here next week.

**flytrap **- I agree with you about cream-of-whatever-soups. I refuse to use them in recipes unless I have absolutely no other choice. They’re always too salty and quite unappetizing to the eye. ick.

But now, work work work work work work work work…


I think I may be catching Teh Sick. :frowning:

Mornin’ (just) all!

I got an interview at 3 pm today, just around 45 minutes walk away, and I’ve no idea what I should do for the spare 2 hours. I need to start Christmassy shopping and the place is right near the shopping centre, but obviously goin’ to an interview luggin’ a big bag 'o festive junk isn’t the best plan. I also never like putting smart interview type clothing on earlier than I have to, because I will spill soup on them when it’s too late to change- even if I’m not eating soup, and even if there is none in the house. It does, however, seem unusually lazy to hang round the house in my jammies until about 1.30. Hmmmm…

Up, caffeinated, off to irk.
Sean, it was at the laundromat, so somebody else gets to fix it.

Good luck, Nut!

Appropriate/inappropriate appendages crossed re the job interview Nuts! I say lounge around until time to get dressed and go. Use it as psych yourself up time.

doggio is this the laundromat across from the likker sto’? Sounds like that might have been handy after watchin’ a washin’ machine almost catch on fire. :eek:

Oh Joy! (Not!) I have to attend a meetin’ at six p.m. in beautiful downtown Camilla, Jawja. Yeah, I get fed but it’s usually not good bbq. Maybe I’ll get lucky and it’ll be fried chikin like they sometimes do. That’s pretty good. Still, a meetin’. ICK!

Thus beginneth the irk day.

ETA: MOOOOOOM Christmas cookies! Gingerbread cookies! Oatmeal/Raisin cookies! Chawklit Chip cookies! Cookies! Cookies! Cookies!

Good morning.

Today I’ll wait around for the plumber to come fix the slow flood that is happening in my bathroom. Also, I have to call and try to order some tickets for an event that my mom and I were planning on going to this weekend. I hadn’t ordered them yet because I was broke. I hope they still have tickets available today (their office was closed yesterday).

Oh, and the dogs are off to the groomer today.

Good man.

Speakin’ of bowls of N.O.T. sallit, have I ever told y’all about Miss Sarah The Moose Lady and Bringin’ NO.T. Sallit To The Bereaved Queen of Ye Olde Home Towne? No? Well let me rectify that.

Miss Sarah was known as Moose Lady because she sang in the choir of the little Methodist church she attended. She sang just slightly off key and her singin’ was oft described as akin to a moose call, thus Moose Lady. She was known as the Bringin’ N.O.T. Sallit To The Bereaved Queen of Ye Olde Home Towne because whenever a death occurred one could always count on Miss Sarah showin’ up with a bowl of N.O.T. sallit. Now, mind you, she didn’t show up at every bereaved person’s house because even in a small town that could add up to a lot of N.O.T. sallit and the poor dear held down a job sellin’ shoes at THE local shoe store (or it was when I was a cub) in addition to her Moose Callin’ and N.O.T. sallit bringin’ and the makin’ before bringin’. However, if it was a particularly juicy death or one that sounded highly suspect, you could bet on Miss Sarah showin’ up bowl of N.O.T. sallit in hand whether or not she knew the dearly departed or any of the bereaved in an attempt to find out any juicy details should said details be present. She was pretty good at findin’ out too which was pretty amazin’ on her part due to the fact that her N.O.T. sallit, though not awful, was not the best ever either.

Now y’all know the story of Miss Sarah.

You forget the other part of that; the one I hate -------- “I know you are sad at your loss so I’ve had some plants murdered in your honor and tastefully arranged”.

<in a strong accent>
Its a tsutcheppenish mit the mushugannah nudniks around here ----- dey should all go work the Lodges for a summer or two and learn proper food!
<back in normal voice>
Some day try the Lutheran version – lutefisk and red jello. Usually served from separate plates ---------- but not always.

I thought she lives in Alaska? And looks at Russia from her porch…? :dubious: :smiley:


Right around the time that D passed away I was listening to Slacker Radio’s comedy station and heardthis. (SFW video)

:slight_smile: I give my dog a treat when she comes back in from doing her business - and I’m pretty sure sometimes she is gaming the system. She doesn’t really have to go, she just wants a treat.