The WTHeck did I volunteer for this? MMP

Lucky you. My little bitty is almost 25, and has a thicker beard than I do. Cuddling with him is outta the question now, but 20 years ago, oh yea…

Death chikin is outta the oven and smellin’ yummy! Rolls goin’ in the oven. Succotash about to be cooked. OYKW is on the way. I’s hongry!

Howdy all,

Posting from irk got called in to emergency sub. Do not want to do this but $$$ are nice

Oh the joys of Rock and Roll


I’m not looking forward to Christmas. I don’t even know if we’ll put up a Christmas tree this year, or if anyone will give anyone else any presents. Ever since my mother ran away last week, never to come back, my dad and sister and I just haven’t felt like doing much.

Wow EmilyG that’s awful! I really don’t know what to say except if you feel like it, the MMP is always good for a good vent, whine etc so feel free.

Death chikin was good. Plus enough for tomorow’s dindin. YAY!

I like about 9-10am. I’m awake enough not to be groggy and it represents the potentiality of the whole day.

What does it mean, “Death Chicken”?

I’m thinking there’s an unhealth amount of fat, spices, or both. :dubious:

Death Chicken is the casserole you take to a family in mourning after a death. And since it’s made with bacon, it’s kinda fatty… :wink:

We had ravioli for supper. I’m now going to knit some dishcloths for my mom because she asked for a couple and I’m nice like that! Off to assume the knit position…


What MOOOOOOM said re death chikin. It appears to have originated amongst church ladies which natch makes it a most saintly and nummy thing to eat. :smiley:

I think I need to try this chicken. Looks tasty.

Made it to Louisiana. Finally. I am starving and while I don’t really want to eat in the hotel I really really really do not want to get back in the truck after a 6 1/2 hour drive to try and find somewhere to eat. On the plus side they have alcohol here. :smiley:

Sorry about the job situation apes.

mmmmmms the solution is simple. Burger and a beer. The ultimate I’ve been travelin’, I’m in the hotel, I’m tahrd and I just wanna eat and go crash meal.

Someone isn’t depressed enough about a death, you bring them a casserole already?

Oye vey!

And why do these things always have “Cream of goy soup”?


Because most of us here are gentiles?


Casseroles are much more comforting than salad or some “nouvelle cuisine” art piece that maybe has three bites of actual food. :slight_smile:


I was thinking the same thing…off I go and find that they have revamped the menu here and there are no sammiches/burgers and only a couple of mains. I had potato skins and a side of asparagus. A lot of people around me were have popcorn shrimp and a side…but sending the shrimp back as it was off. I think I picked wisely. But now I am starving again. First world problems and all…

Must sleep big supplier meeting tomorrow.


:::hack hack:::


achoo! achoo! achoo!


(passes chicken soup and echinacea to sahirrnee)