The WTHeck did I volunteer for this? MMP

Happy birthday, Jynx!

I had a weird thing last night: I got a text message from a fellow church member asking me if I was all right after my accident. I answered her back saying that I think she texted the wrong person, because I hadn’t been in an accident. She answered that someone had put in a note saying that I had and asking for well wishes in the “Cares and Concerns” part of the service.

WTF? Now, there’s a unusually high incidence of women with my given name at this church - three out of a hundred and fifty or so, so it’s possible someone got last names mixed up, but that’s just very, very weird.

Happy Birthday jynx

Also hope Baby Duke feels better soon

Very much a morning person here I love those moments just as the sun comes up. Very calming.

I am packed and ready to head to Shreveport. Just need to throw my crap in the truck and grab my snacks. Oh what a fun 6-7 hour drive this will be. :rolleyes:

Roo show up at church in a neck brace. Who knows, you might score a casserole or two! :smiley:

When my uncle Jack died, there was a nice little blurb in the next Sunday service bulletin statin’ the Parish extends sympathy to da bear on the death of his uncle Jack Bear. Nice, right? Ok, where I live now there is a Jack Bear who is a retired prominent banker within the community. We are no relation as far as either one of us could ever figure out and bein’ southerners, Og knows we tried. Anywho, that Sunday I got the usual “so sorry about your Uncle” stuff and a few people sayin’, “I didn’t know Jack Bear was your uncle! I was shocked to hear he died!” So I’m thinkin’, why would these people even know my Uncle Jack from ye olde hometowne. Very puzzlin’. Then durin’ deheathenization somewhere’s about Confession it dawned on me… these people think Jack Bear the banker is my Uncle Jack! At first I was all :eek: and then I got kinda tickled about it and feared I would lose it right then and there.

I saw the local Jack Bear a few days later, told him the story and apologized to him for killin’ him off for a few hours the past Sunday. :smiley: He got a kick out of that.

Lunch time!! Whew, what a morning it has been…

Happy Jynx Day!!!

I got to see **BBBobbio **this morning - we had a secret rendezvous in the parking lot in front of my building in full view of one of the main roads in this area. Obviously, we didn’t do the secret part very well. :smiley: It’s kinda weird - shortly after he moved to this area, we saw him and his wife at breakfast a couple of times. But now, we never run into them. Of course, it could be because he sees me and runs the other way…

Nah. Who’d run from me??

I’ve just about beaten these stoopit SolidWorks drawings into submission. With luck, tomorrow I can go back to AutoCAD! So yay!

There is a disturbing lack of chocolate in my cubicle.

I am shocked shocked I say that BBBobbio didn’t think to bring you chawklit lurve offerin’s to your secret rendevouz this mornin’ MOOOOOOM. How uncouth of him! :smiley:

Havin’ a very good deli ham and roast beast sammich with swiss and cheddah cheese for N.O.L. Very tasty especially with the mayo and spicy mustard.

I am definitely, definitely, NOT a morning person. The only morning I want to see is the one that starts at 12, not the one that ends at 12.

I’m especially not a morning person when the handyman sets off the fire alarm while trying to fix it (it’s been going off at random for the past 3 years, or since they realised it was turned off).

Did some gardenin’ earlier, discovered I had waaay more strawberry runners than I thought, and extended the strawberry patch, so if we get good weather next year, I’ll be drownin’ in the things. I do not think, somehow, that this will cause any problems.

Then came home and just racked (and sampled, naturally) the plum wine I started off in october. Very sweet, but surprisingly drinkable. If it’s like that now, then with any luck, the finished stuff’s gonna be niiiice. :smiley: That’s my second batch, the first lot- blackberry- is really dry and bitter. No-one here’s an expert homebrewer and can tell me how to fix it can they?

Anyways, I should stop procrastinatin’, and go get some milk 'n aigs before the shop shuts- the housemate’s away, but will be back tomorrow, and if there are no aigs in the house then there’ll be trouble :eek:

Happy Jynxday!

Nuts by all means hie thee to the sto’ for milk and aigs posthaste! Everybody knows that if there’s no milk, aigs or bread in the house then there is absolutely nuttin’ to eat in the house. This is a strange thing however true it is. Maybe it’s the fear that one would not be able to make French toast should one be possessed of the urge. :smiley:

YOU hugged ME… :stuck_out_tongue:

I should also point out that you, Moooooom, are the ones avoiding the Vunders, as I’ve seen your daughter in the wild more than you and Daaaaaaaaad.

Happy Monday all,

I am not a morning person but you might have guessed that by noting the time that I usually chime in. I love the deep of night between 2 and 4 am. There is a quiet calm at that time that appeals to my soul. I once walked across the Brooklyn Bridge about 4am, to see Manhattan sleep is awe inspiring. It is kind of like stealing from a monster in a fairy tale. When I lived in Fayetteville AR we were once snowed in for a week or so, roads were cleared but my way to work was impassable due to ice and incline, so I walked to and from work at a bar. My walks home at 3am were amazing, the bone chilling cold, the silence broken only by the crunch of snow underfoot. I don’t know how to describe it but it feels like you are getting away with something you shouldn’t be doing. I love it. Anyhoo

Happy Jynx day

That’s all I have for now

Great MMP


Jim your comment about it makin’ you feel like you’re gettin’ away with sump’n you shouldn’t be doin’ brings to mind the difference between bein’ naked and nekkid.

Naked means you ain’t wearin’ clothes. Nekkid means you ain’t wearin’ clothes and up to sump’n. :smiley:

My favorite time of the day is bedtime

I just found out in my 8:30 am conference call at work I may be losing my job in July. My baby will be 1 month old then, so yay. Good for us. No job and a new baby may be in my future. If I break down, don’t mind me, just step over the mumbling, shaking, crying, quivering mass in your way and move on.

{{{Apes}}} let’s just hope for the best and you don’t lose your job. In the meantime feel free to breakdown should you need to do so. That’s a part of the reason the MMP exists. We’re a silly but carin’ bunch.

Tanks for all the Jynx day wishes! Made me feel all warm and fuzzies and stuff. I am celbrating the 15th anniversary of my 21st birthday.

I had me some chocolate fondue and cheese fondue and broth fondue (for the meats) for my birfday din-din last night at The Melting Pot with Mr. Jynx. It was the yummies.

For my birfday, the fates deem it important to gift me an ear infection and I can’t get to see the doc until thursday at least. I could go to doc-in-the-box after work but it wont do me much good as perscription place/drugstores mostly close at 7pm and I dont get off work the next couple of days until 6 and I really cant take the antibiotics until I make sure I have some uniterrupted time (24hrs) with my bathroom. UgH!

But at least I have y’all to share this with. Aren’t you so glad! :smiley:

Yes, Jynx, we are glad you chose to share that with us. Now, git off’n muh lawn ya whippersnapper! :smiley:

Her Feline Majesty was remarkably patient with me this morning. She didn’t start the “please get up and feed me” campaign until after 10:30. :slight_smile:

My sinuses are going crazy, and they have this odd sensation that’s usually linked to a pending illness. I really do not have time to be sick this week. Got stuff to DO.

(offers hug to April) I know how you feel. We know DH will be laid off around the end of June to early July.

How are you all going to cope Seanette?

Howdy from da cave. Death chikin is cookin’ away as I post. Death chikin, succotash and rolls for dindin. 'Twill be good!

Y’all seem to be confusing “favorite” with “most active.”

My favorite time of day is right after I hit the snooze button and climb back into bed. It’s all warm and comfy and there’s nothing I need to be doing.

My most active is probably late morning, after coffee & breakfast & getting out into the world.

Speaking of getting out into the world, I stopped off at Chipotle on the way to work and picked up a reasonably large burrito, rather than my usual peanut butter sandwich & banana for lunch. Next time, I think I’ll be skipping the guacamole. And the rice. Maybe the beans, too.

Birthdays. Happy if ya got 'em.

A lot remains to be figured out. Right now, I’m focusing on paying off debt (yeah, yeah, I know) and trying to find a job myself. Between his UI and severance package, even if I don’t find work right away we’ll probably manage until about next December.

That is one of my favorite things to do ever. I secretly relish when one of my bitties is too sick to go to school, because I have an excuse to cuddle and watch cartoons all day. :wink: