The "You are dumb" thread

See post #86. Hooker beat you to it. But I liked it then and I still like it now.:smiley:

Back when my maternal grandfather took up smoking, some (medical) doctors recommended it, saying it had various health benefits. Granted, most of those doctors were being paid by the tobacco companies, but some docs actually told their patients to smoke, for various reasons.

Later on, we had studies to show just how much damage smoking does. I remember PSAs from when I was a little kid, saying that Smoking Is Bad, Don’t Do It. So I’d say anyone under the age of 55 who smokes is dumb. There’s no magic lungs involved, just an acknowledgement that people who didn’t grow up hearing the Smoking = Bad message might have taken up the habit and become addicted to it.

I remember my father used to smoke, and then he quit, along with one of my uncles, when I was pretty young.

But are they still shaking?

Yeah, can someone explain that one to me? Does it mean “dancing”? A drug of some kind?

I think he meant “smoking”. But it’s funnier as “shaking” especially given the co-current ZPG anti-handshaking pit thread comments.

Fucking shakers, the lot of 'em! :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know, that seems sort of ungenerous (and I say that as a non-smoker, four months clean.) People do things they know they shouldn’t all the time. If we declare smokers under 55 dumb, we’d also have to say that, for example, fat people are all dumb, and that’s the majority of the population. Probably safer not to speed either, but most of us are guilty of that crime on occasion.

I think I can recover faster from driving 70 on the freeway than I could from smoking or overeating.

I’m an ex-smoker and ex-glutton who’s glad to say “Yeah, I was dumb.”
(And when I backslide with a Lucky or a Krispy Kreme, I’m, well… the opposite of smart).

Let’s get this over with: If you are a person, you are dumb. You have done dumb things in the past and you will do dumb things in the future.

And everything I disagree with is dumb. :wink:

Ya know, when that new Doper with a username called dumb finds out about this thread, he or she is going to be pissed.

If you believe that Nobel Prize-winning scientists are reliable sources on all scientific matters by virtue of their award, you are dumb.

“Cosmic raccoons?” Now I want to believe in Cosmic Raccoons!

If you accuse everyone who defends a particular policy or action of the Obama Administration, or even provides additional context, of being a Kool-Aid drinking cultist, while ignoring the drooling sycophancy of many (but certainly not all) Ron Paul supporters, you are dumb.

If you are boycotting the Girl Scouts because they allowed a transgendered person into their ranks, you are dumb.

If you deny that Thin Mints are the best Girl Scout cookie, you are dumb.

Everybody who posted in this thread Synonym for "Furry' - Factual Questions - Straight Dope Message Board who called me disgusting is dumb. BTW it’s my opinion that those who yell the loudest often have the most to hide.

Just for the record, those Jim Jones cultists drank Flavor-Aid.
The general opinion is because it was cheaper.

If you think torture doesn’t work, then you are dumb.

If you don’t think torture is harmful to the society that engages in it, then you are dumb.

If you support the death penalty without any eveidence that there is a deterrent effect, then you are dumb.

If you dismiss the death penalty without any evidence that tehre is NOT a deterrent effect, then youa re dumb.

If you think a fetus is not a person until they exit the womb, then you are dumb.

If you think a fertilized human egg is a person, then you are dumb.

Work at what? Extracting a specific piece of verifiable information? Instilling terror? General information on a person’s loyalty and intentions?

If you don’t think this thread has run far afield from the OP’s original intent, you are dumb.

To be fair, the OP is pretty dumb.

Hey, Gaggie, didja get that job working at Kool-Aid™ Brand Beverage Marketing Headquarters?

True! Not everyone will adopt that lifestyle. Unfortunately, all these religious people think otherwise, apparently.