The ZPG Zealot handshake thread party extravaganza

S/he has got to be a troll. The odds of all these things happening to one person are far too small.

Well we can’t count out mental illness.

But we can be certain that there weren’t “multiple” close calls by taxi drivers and “several” sex offenders at her/his work.

Man, let it go. It was a throwaway remark from free-associating on the concept of “bill of attainder” and how the Constitution prohibits the same. I’m an ACLU member and it tends to focus my thoughts on the importance of civil rights, such as the right to a fair trial. I guess that scene in East of Eden where a crowd nearly lynched a guy just for being German which I saw when young must have scarred me for life.

Never mind, because the premise on which I wrote that has had to be discarded, so I take it back. It was kind of a dumb analogy anyway.

Again, I implore you; simplify. She is a virulent racist - not a casual, thoughtless racist, as many are (many of them good people who simply do not know better) but a really aggressive, proactive racist. Such people are also liars.

This is a good learning experience here because this is what a real racist looks like. A real racist isn’t Donald Trump, who cares not a whit for color except the color green. He may APPEAL to racists, but he himself isn’t one, that I can see. Nor does a racist march into the room shouting that they hate (insert vile slur.) WEll, I suppose a handful do; there are still some actual self-identifying Nazis out there, but most racists don’t have the courtesy to carry membership cards and wear uniforms. Real racists believe they’re right, that they have a righteous and factual point of view, and twist the facts - often to the point they believe their own lies, and they cease to be lies but instead become psychoses - to suit their prejudices.

People, people!

Let’s all just shake hands and go our separate ways.

Ooh! I’ve never been to an orgy before!

As the newbie it’s your job to bring the grapes. : waits expectantly :

…“finger on the trigger at all times.” Good gods. While we’re here though, that fits right into the forthcoming (ha!) orgy.

Fixed quote to fit into ZPGZ thread.

The problem is that while all aggressive, proactive racists are liars, not all liars are aggressive, proactive racists.

We all know s/he’s lying. Or psychotic, but I doubt that.

It it were only the anti-man thing, then I would agree that being virulent racist could be a possibility.

But it’s not. It’s the whole infanticide is better than adoption routine as well as all the other nutty stuff which just seems to me to be blatant trolling.

“You’ve gotta respect everyone’s beliefs.” No, you don’t. That’s what gets us in trouble. Look, you have to acknowledge everyone’s beliefs, and then you have to reserve the right to go: “That is fucking stupid. Are you kidding me?” I acknowledge that you believe that, that’s great, but I’m not going to respect it. I have an uncle that believes he saw Sasquatch. We do not believe him, nor do we respect him!”

  • Patton Oswalt

I’m not sure why you’re taking ‘psychotic & racist’ out of the realm of likely explanations.

Even if this is trolling, the need for that kind of negative attention from anonymous strangers seems well within the mental disorder spectrum.

At best, ZPG Zealot is an institutionalized mental patient with delusional fantasies and computer access privileges.

At worst, s/he’s out loose in society with her delusional fantasies and hate filled ideology.

Either way, it must be a living hell to be trapped inside her skull 24/7. Imagine having to build alternate realities just to appease all those insane thoughts clamoring for attention.

Heck, I can simplify more than “racist.” She’s nuttier than squirrel shit. Fruitier than an apple orchard in September. Flakier than a Colorado blizzard. So cuckoo she should pop out of a clock. Such a crackpot she belongs in an archeological dig.

IOW girlfriend be cray-cray.

I hadn’t thought about that. Luckily, we can leave the thread, slam the laptop closed, and leave Zealotry behind. I cannot imagine what it’d be like to live with all that hatred and dissonance and constant vigilance.

Yeah this is what I always think when I encounter hateful and/or perpetually angry people. I just had to brush against them for a few moments; imagine what it’s like living like that. Ugh.

Any doubt should be gone now.

Yeah, I’d say you had issues with ZPG Zealot, but that doesn’t necessarily make her the nut. Reading her posts and your interactions in that thread, I am not impressed that you have made your case.

No? What about the claim of “[not having] time to comment on every single remark that pops up” as if the comment I linked doesn’t exist?

To sum up: anything posted by ZPG Zealot can now safely be, and should be, taken with a grain of salt. Or ignored if one is so inclined.

I concur with Roderick Femm. There is nothing she has posted that is inconsistent with working a a Texas university that isn’t UT at Austin. The University of Texas system consists of 14 institutions and there are many other universities in Texas that aren’t in that system.

ETA: this is not to say that ZPG isn’t crazy or trolling.

May we agree to compromise? She hangs out in a UT library to kill time between reading palms? And what a bizarre profession for her to choose.

She said then the same thing she said in the thread, “I don’t want to give out too much personal information.” That’s a perfectly reasonable choice on her part. No reason for her to check the link and see exactly what she said there. You managed to make yourself look weirder and more aggressive than she is in that interaction, IMO.