Theater seating math, where to start

Another case where I can’t even figure out where to start. Any helpful hints?

The owners of a theater plan to reconfigure theseating. Adding 4 rows, they can reduce the number of seats per row by 2 without changing capacity. If, instead, they add 5 seats per row, they can reduce the number of rows by 7, thus decreasing capacity by 1 seat. What is the theater’s current capacity? (Assume
that each row has the same number of seats.)

C (capacity) = r (rows) * s (seats per row)


Introduce two variables for the current number of rows and the current number of seats per row. The two given scenarios (adding rows so as to give people more elbow-room, and squishing seats together so as to give people more leg room) provide a system of equations that can be solved for the two unknowns. Once the two variables are determined, their product is the current theater capacity.

Ok, well I tried to solve the two equations using the subtraction method and ended up with
s=7r-26/11 for the substitution value. That is not the correct answer.

I come up with 7r - 11s = 26

Solving that gives me r = 21, s = 11.

Unfortunately that doesn’t work when you plug the numbers back in:

Original capacity = 21 rows x 11 seats = 231

Add four rows, remove 2 seats from each = 25 rows x 9 seats = 225

Remove 7 rows, add 5 seats to each = 14 rows x 16 seats = 224

Not quite sure where I’ve gone wrong…

If you re-write the second two equations as:

you can reduce these to:

which quickly yields the answer

Yep, that’s the way I did it.

Less quickly for me, its been a few years…
So am I correct…?
multiply the first by 5…

-5r+10s=20 added to




You are.

I realized only after I posted that the OP was only asking for clues so I’m sorry if I gave anything away. I should have figured that out when others purposely stopped short of the answer. I was just happy (and slightly surprised) to have cleared 20+ years of brain cobwebs to remember my high school math.