Theists: I am still alive: Valteron

You really think God is in a hurry to see you? If anything, your longevity might consitute proof of His existence. Get back to us when you’re 250.

Der Trihs used to be at the top of my list of fellow atheists whose ridiculous arguments make me suspect they are actually theistic agents provocateurs. Congratulations on the upset.

The title of this thread reminds me of that old joke:

“God is dead.” - Nietzsche
“Nietzsche is dead.” - God

“I am still alive.” - Valteron
“You’re still dead to me.” - God

Perhaps he thought it better that you live rather than die to prove something to a bunch of strangers on the Internet.

Did you honestly expect this little stunt would deconvert anyone?

I think I just figured out why so many Muslims hate the West.

Well, damn. I was hoping to get your DVD player. Mine’s crapping out on me.

You don’t know God, so how do you know you are knocking at the right door? Be careful if someone/something answers that door you knock at:

Mitt Romney told me to remind you that you’re making a religion out of secularism.

Of course Mitt is an idiot.

“I created you as the unique and special individual you are, Valteron, and I still love you.” - God :smiley:

But does God not see me right now anyway?

Every answer I get seems to be based on the old trick of violating the scientific principle of “falsifiability”. To see what is meant by this principle, see this article

It is funny how much thiesm and religious belief has always made itself immune to criticism by being unfalsifiable in the modern, scientific sense.

The oracle of Delphi was once asked by a general whether he should go on a miltary campaign. The “god’s” answer was “You will go, you will return
. . . . . never in war will you perish.”

After the general was killed in the campaign, his widow reproroved the Oracle, only to be told that the message was really “You will go, you will return never. . . . . in war will you perish.”

By the way, I realize the Oracle would not have spoken English. But this sentence structure works in Latin and Greek as well as in English, so it is not impossible the Oracle could have used this trick.

What is amazing is how the human race never seems to catch on and smarten up in the face of the shell game that theism and religion have been playing for all these thousands of years.

So you thought a shell game of your own, and a simple and poorly-constructed one at that, would expose that shell game?

So we’re supposed to operate on faith alone, to “not put the Lord your God to the test”. How this is different from any other scam, I cannot divine.

Well, sorry to tell you athiests this but I just proved that God exists. I prayed to God and asked it to prove to me that it exists by not letting me die within the next 10 ten minutes. That was about 12 minutes ago.

So there you are proof that God exists.

Well I’m madly in love with Scarlet Johansson, am I smitten or smoted or what :stuck_out_tongue:

Ms Johansson has smitten thousands, if not millions, with her unique beauty.

So like, erm I’m one of the undead…braaaaiiiiiiiinns

God is really, really good at doing nothing, and he’ll do it by request! Repeatedly! You could do a scientific study, asking god to do nothing repeatedly in a properly monitored environment, and you could scientifically prove that god does indeed do nothing when so requested!

You’re not “hurling eggs and shit” at God’s door with your inane little parlor game. You’re standing outside and ranting like a lunatic, pounding you’re head on the sidewalk, and getting funny looks from passers-by. If I were living inside, I wouldn’t want to come out either.

So god is intimidated by him? Or perhaps, god doesn’t act for the same reason he doesn’t cure cancer in children. He is a powerless fantasy held by humans too fragile to face a universe without meaning or a continuity of existence past death.

Just sayin’.

I find it amazing that this same God who allegedly loves me as a unique and special individual and is so squeamish about causing my death is the same god who killed all those first-born sons in Egypt (including little kids who could not be responsible for anything).

Or take this event, from 2 Kings: *2:23 And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.
2:24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them. *

This God who has no problem sending bears to maul little kids for laughing at a bald guy would not kill me, an atheistic, cynical old faggot who uses the internet to mock the Almighty to His face? He seems awfully tender and sqeamish all of a sudden.

I mean, I am just asking for it, am I not? And BTW, God, I am going up to the country tonight where there ARE bears.

Look, do I get your damn DVD player or not?