Theocracy NOW!

I think it is mostly because I get this all the time, and I don’'t really give a shit.

I have basically given up on the election. Obama is going to win. The Blessed One is going to turn the White House beige. He will inherit a whole shit load of problems, and no doubt create a whole shit load more on his own.

So one derives what pleasure one can from the debacle. I am going to make fun of those things I find amusing, and the worshipful reverence the Obamaniacs expect of their Chosen One is a big, bad, juicy target, and I intend to kick it until it stops amusing me or my toes get tired.

All this huffy “how dare you!” is richly entertaining, in a fin du siecle kind of way.

Expect it to continue, and get worse, for the next four years or so. Or, perhaps he will screw up badly enough that it will be less than that. In which case President Biden’s pasty white ass is the next target in the sights.
