Theocracy NOW!

It’s the new pistachio.

:confused: Pistachio is green!

They call it the White House, but I say that’s just a temporary condition, baby.

Me three. I scrolled through the thread looking to see if anyone asked this, and then scrolled through the thread to see if there was any sort of answer.

I can’t really think of a non-racist way to take that statement.

This explains a lot.

The only thing left to test if if he’s imitating it or if it’s really him.

I always thought Shodan’s username (like Der Trihs’) came from a Schlock Mercenary character.

Well, I ran “White House beige” through an anagram solver, and got this result:

I, be egest how I hue.

Fucking racist.

He could just mean that he thinks Obama is full of shit…you know, he’s so full of shit, the White House will become beige.

I’ve pooped a lot of colors, but beige has never been on of them. Yet.

Hamburger Helper, my friend … Hamburger Helper.

Come on Shodan, are you really such a coward that you won’t even address your “beige” comment?