Theraped (and other new words)

My buddy and I may not have invented the “word” but we do use it a lot. So, if you have other nonce words or creations like it, please share.

Instead of “going to therapy” or “seeing a therapist” you get “theraped.”

Instead of “releasing a flatus” you “flate.”

Your turn…

Is that pronounced ther-a-peed or the-raped? I hope the former. I prefer therapized myself, though.

It’s thuh-raped. Thuh as in thorough + raped. It gives the overtone of having your body violated by the thuh-rape-ist.

Therapized works, too.

Ther-a-peed with a heavy accent on the -peed might be good for some urological treatments.

Huh. Like in Arrested Development when Tobias tried to combine Analyst and Therapist on his business cards?

I missed that episode (show) so is it like Anal-rapist or better?

BTW another current thread just mentioned Charlize Theron! We could make something out of that in this context if we tried hard enough. :smiley:

“Therapied” might work better.

Plastered + Retard = Plastard

“Dude, I hope I wasn’t too much of a plastard last night.”

Back in college we saved our tips each Sunday hawking soda and beer at the ballyard, and would unwind in a new fast food place each week. We sought out the most vile, digusting food we could find, seeking out gustatory sensations we paid for in nickels, dimes and quarters, ones if we were lucky.

This gave rise to a new noun combining “gustatory” and “disgusting” and advertising workhorse of the day “gusto”: gust

As in “Let’s go out for some gust tonight.”

Oddly enough, we could never get our dates to go along when we explained the meaning.

That’s exactly what it was. Some fine moments on that show.

The only difference between “therapist” and “the rapist” is how much space is left. :slight_smile: