–Rep. Allen West (R-FL)
This isn’t even original.
I wonder if he has a laundry list.
–Rep. Allen West (R-FL)
This isn’t even original.
I wonder if he has a laundry list.
He could be doing this ironically; but, I doubt it.
And his pedophile sex scandal starts in 5…4…3…
Has anybody ever seen Michele Bachmann and Allen West in the same place at the same time? I’m wondering if we’re dealing with some kind of insane Shakespearean plot twist here.
Meh, the quote was out of context. The full statement:
Still pretty douche, but its pretty clear he’s not straying into McCarthyism.
Call me crazy, but I think he’s still calling them Communists. He’s just not waving around his grocery list and threatening to name names - he did it.
Well, he sort of named names. Because he’s a Republican Congresscritter and his lips are moving, his numbers of course don’t add up, there are 76 people in the Progressive Caucus.
But the statement as originally quoted made it sound like he was claiming Congress had people that were members of the literal Communist Party. In context its clear that “Communist Party” is what he calls the Progressive Caucus.
As I said, still pretty douchey, but less so then first reported. The second part substantially changes his meaning and should’ve been part of the original report.
He was.
He wasn’t saying he calls the Progressive Caucus Communists. He said the Progressive Caucus are members of the Communist Party. This is not complicated or coded or shaded.
So, can we call the Tea Party Caucus the Fascist Party, and therefore claim there are 62 Fascists in the Congress? Or can you only call people names in one direction?
I wish. Actual communists would move the overton window to the left and make progressives into the ‘centrist democrats’ rather than the far left that they are now.
Plus his advisor later stated outright that the Communist Party specifically claims the members of the Progressive Caucus as its allies. So even if he’s not specifically stating “these people are totally official Commies,” he’s saying they support that party.
Which is probably true, but completely irrelevant. We see this every election: The American Communist Party officially endorses the Democrats, and the American Nazi Party officially endorses the Republicans, and nobody pays any attention to either of them. What would be newsworthy would be a member of the Democratic or Republican party endorsing the Nazis or Communists.
I’m not seeing any significant distinction.
It’s the same as if a Democrat had proclaimed, “I believe there are about 64 members of the Republican Party that are members of the Ku Klux Klan…It’s called the Tea Party Caucus.”
Well, if true, they are, like, the most ineffectual Communists ever. West ought to be happy they’re there.
That’s what they want you to think! If it weren’t for Rep West and his eagle eye, the day would come when they would have nuzzled up to those bars, bent 'em apart with their beaks, and VOOM!
So do I. I also think there are plenty of people that will believe he is speaking the truth.
Is there no legal recourse Democrats can seek for this sort of thing? It doesn’t seem right that a senior politician can make up derogatory nonsense about his opponents and get away with it.
Response: Communist Party USA rips on West and calls him absurd.
This thread is the appropriate response. West’s statement should be subjected to public derision.
I had to check the date on the OP to make sure this wasn’t a zombie thread from 1950.
Someone should ask him what this mythical “Democrat Party” is