There are currently SIX article on the Huffpo regarding Miley's performance at the VMAs

Weird. I’m quoting Brooke Shields for the first time in my life.

“It felt a bit desperate.”

Just to add that IMHO Miley’s VMA performance was banal. It wasn’t exciting or extraordinary or fresh or even talented.

By contrast when Britney Spears moved to her trailer trash image she was believable and produced good pop music and indeed I have a few tunes of hers on this very pc.

My overall impression is that Miley has jumped the shark: she simply is not an adult diva and never can be. She lacks the stage presence, the performing ability, and the voice to raise her above average. Give me Katy Perry anytime.

I thought she was just imitating the expression of the bear on her leotard.

Does anyone else suspect that a certain amount of this outrage is phony, being generated by people who are being paid (probably by Disney) to drum up interest in one of their fading investments?

I came into this thread expecting slut-shaming, and the Dope did not disappoint.

I assumed Miley that was out from under the Disney corporate umbrella for some time now. Unless her record label is owned by the same conglomerate.

Slutty or not, it was a shamefully lousy performance.

I’m embarrassed to say that, as a result of the coverage, I had to google “twerking.” Which shouldn’t be done from your work computer, btw. And get off my lawn!

What’s the difference between ‘slut-shaming’ and pointing out that dance moves looked completely slutty? When does my opinion on the whole phenomenon of dirty dancing become ‘slut-shaming’

I’m afraid I’m totally confused.


They must in the middle of the night, but I kind of assume they are based on Youtube and Vimeo, where a lot of videos are now released and made for.

I only learned the word “twerking” a few months ago. I knew what the dance was, but I didn’t know it had a name.

Like her or not, there’s nothing fading about her. She is a huge star just now.

If you’re equating slutty with shameful, you’re probably slut-shaming.

We always called it ‘booty poppin’. I started hearing that ‘twerk’ word a few years ago, as southern Hip hop became more popular. I still call it booty poppin’, the internet’s embrace of the word ‘twerk’ notwithstanding.

Booty poppin’! I would’ve recognized that term. Is it a north/south divide in terminology?

So, number of months after 21st birthday but before first sex tape = what?

We always called it that. My whole life. It’s been out forever, of course. In the 80s we might call it "doin’ the butt’ or ‘poppin’ that coochie’ or whatever, but booty poppin’ is the name that most fits that particular style that Miley was attempting. When the South started getting super hot on the hip hop scene a few years ago, I started hearing the term “twerk”. I never liked Southern Hip hop much (a couple exceptions) and I don’t like Southern slang, so that word will always sound off to me. Like I said, I mostly hear it on the internet. No one I know in real life uses it, but I live on the East coast. It’s the same ol’ dance though. Josephine Baker was doing it ages ago and Africans have been doing it for ages before that. It’s just the word ‘twerk’ that I don’t dig.

My experience parallels yours.

Man, I hope nobody asks her to do the national anthem. :eek:

No one has worshiped and sacrificed more at the altar of caliphygious womanhood than have I, but I’ve personally never found booty-quaking/twerking especially erotic, and I always thought it’s supposed to be a goof on sexuality, like playing ring toss with an erection. I guess I am old. Certainly, my last “how many beer mugs can I lift off the table at once” contest was long ago.

Lately, Miley Cyrus has been reminding me of the car that Homer Simpson designed.