is closing

MMOG is closing. sigh

Anybody here ever play it?

I’ve been expecting this for a while; even if the economy hadn’t turned south, the technology was aging, and the public expects better graphics these days. was officially launched in 2003, but development was started way back in 1998, and the planned target was for the expected median consumer system of 2002. I suspect the marketing deal they had with Coke merely delayed the inevitable.

*** Ponder in There

I really enjoyed THERE COM too bad its closing. The paint balling was Gr8,there was to much to do, it was hard to do it all,there was something for every walk of life& it was so life like.Some people will lose $1000s because they will lose there inventory house,cars,hoods,t bux,funzones,ect. Alex paintball zone just sold for $1000 this mo. I feel sorry for the person who bought it. So long THERE COM.